Saturday, May 1, 2010


"If you divide a pool into five pools, each will reflect the moon. The moon, meanwhile, also divides into five because it conforms to the pools and not because it has any inclination to do so. Thus, it is one, and yet it is not one. If you then combine the five pools into one pool, it will reflect one moon. The moon becomes one because it conforms to the pool, not because it has any inclination to do so. Thus, it is not one, and yet it is one." Chiang Wei-nung

Many pools of understanding exist on earth today. The pools are at war with each other, each claiming accurate representation of the moon. And each pool is correct with that assertion. Within that pool, the moon is accurately reflected. Where the pool tadpoles go astray is in asserting that their pool is the true and only pool.

Each pool gets its chief tadpoles to speak for it and all within the pool exclaim "Yeh!" and "Right On!" and "Stomp Those Stupid Mucker Stuckers In Those Other Pools!"

Each is reflecting the moon as seen from that pool.
Same moon. Different pond.

Each would like to give the other the moon. And do.

Meanwhile the moon is the moon, reflecting light equally upon all.

I shake my head and laugh and cry and sing.