Saturday, April 28, 2012

cups of water

Water is freely given. Water rests within a cup and in no cup at all. A cup that says it is the only cup there is forgets that its purpose is to bear water. Cup worship forms and cup wars break out.

Water flows as it will and has its way, regardless of the will of the cup. Water takes on the shape of every container. When containers break or prove inept, water flows merrily on its way.

The cup is the horizontal, human made, and is in the realm of history and of time. We can see how cups go weird, get snobbish, say they are the only true cup, forgetting that the water is the worth, not the cup.

Water is the vertical, not made by humans, coming from above, falling to the below. Water always moves from the high to the low, and cycles back again, replenishing, vivifying all it moves through.

All cups proclaiming their cuppiness and forgetting their true mission of holding the water long enough for someone to get a drink are spurned and ridiculed and rightly so. Water is of the essence. Cups come and go.

(If this writing arouses within you the desire to castigate your favorite cup you love to hate, rest assured that you are engaging in cuppiness. "Be water, my friend.")

Thursday, April 26, 2012

pleasing and displeasing the monkey

When you are pleased with yourself, you are simply reflecting energy back to an illusion -- a process of ghostly masturbation. When displeased with yourself, you are slicing this self with knives -- an act of ghostly mutilation.

Both are ways of enhancing your ghost, that you made up so long ago and have carried around like a monkey on your back for so long you think your back is your core. Please the monkey. Taunt the monkey. A monkey that does not exist.

Have no thoughts of pleasure or displeasure toward your self. 
Have no thoughts of your self at all.
If they do arise, smile at them gently and let them go.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

re-flect: throw back

A reason self-reflective thoughts are regarded as foolish and a dwelling in illusion is because there is no self to reflect, only a reflection. One can't get rid of ego because there is none. To wrestle with an illusion is a form of insanity. To deny oneself is not an act of self-sacrifice; it is to awaken from the illusion of self. The ouroboros quits biting its tail and spinning round and round.

(We make up a self as children to deal with the trauma of powerlessness. We continue making up a self and selves as we go.)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

An Interwoven Web of Harmony of Cataclysmic Forces

Just as we are composed of descending spheres of overlapping energy, we are embedded in ascending energetic spheres. We are not "midway" between such spheres. We are the bottom rung of a Holoarchic Ladder. At the very summit is a sphere of energy that encompasses and births all.

In addition to this vertical realm of "above and below," from which and through which all Awareness, Understanding, and Life develop and emerge, there exists a horizontal flow of Time with its vast aeons and cycles. Each aeon is composed of a rising and falling of energies such as that depicted in our own psychophysiological ultradian rhythm.

At the advent of each aeon is a rising or opening of Awareness followed by a decline or fall. Human existence right now is at the end of an aeon and the beginning of a new. Though being human, I am pleased with this, I am a thousandfold more energized by the vision and direct experiencing of the Holoarchic Ladder of the Life Force.

Friday, April 13, 2012

shrouds of the soul

And humans think, and cast interpretations upon existence, and these interpretations are shrouds to their souls.

And those with similar interpretations band together and rejoice.

And there are those who stand naked and vulnerable and open, having cast the shroud from their soul. They neither band together nor rejoice. Neither do they mourn. Yet they do not stand alone. For there is no separation.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

the primacy of the invisible

I believe we will get through this -- this decline of the dominatrix, the decline of this most current attempt across aeons of time to put humans above all other life forms.

I believe in "the primacy of the invisible" -- concentric spheres of wisdom and intelligence thoroughly active from the submolecular to the metagalactic.

Let us call these concentric spheres, this interwoven network in which all life forms are both manifested and joined, the Holoarchy.

We will move through this by living in accord with the Holoarchy, by knowing deeply (no lip service) that all life forms are interdependent and living accordingly. When we do (and stop looking for the salvation of our own sorry separate souls), we will be continually surprised by what we find.

We ARE this interflow. We are a planetary and cosmic community. To build a society of separation and dominance is suicidal madness. The evidence is in, once again, that this is so.

As the juggernaut crashes around us, we will get through this. We will get through this by living in accord with the primacy of the invisible, which is not invisible for those with eyes to see.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

travelling across thought communities

Each religion, including a-gnosis and a-theism, is a thought community. Each thought community opens to and receives knowledge according to its capacity, its bounds, and emotio-mental form. Thought community members recognize each other and congratulate each other for their perspicacity. Those able to be "converted" to all thought communities see and sense and feel their common ground. The exoteric (form struck) members of a thought community do not comprehend this, think their form is the only form. The esoteric (essence seen) members are the ones able to go beyond form and make this voyage.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

the cross and the empty tomb

Life itself is a crucifixion. Each of us is, as Yeats said, "fastened to a dying animal." We are nailed to the spot, on the cross of space and time. We die, time and again, from this agony; a series of "little deaths" followed at some point by full bodily death.

And yet there is a resurrection. We may "die daily" as Paul said, but we are also born again each moment. More than that, when we turn within, turn to the inner Light and cast our fortunes with this Light, we identify with (become identical to) the Light which births us. We are a new bunny. We are the cosmic egg.

Nailed to the cross of life, we die, descending into the hell of our existence and blessing all there. We rise up. No longer identifying with the body (the tomb is empty), we open into the Light and Radiance of the resurrected Spirit we are.

This is the message of Easter, a reminder and reaffirmation of Transformation.

Monday, April 2, 2012

like bugs skating and yelling

We are like bugs skating on the thin film of the surface of a deep and wide pond continuously produced by a fathomless Spring and yelling with glee,"There is no Wellspring! There is only us and we are magnificent!"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

off the grid

Every human has a thought structure. Developed from previous pain, desire, need, and want, this thought structure is a rigid grid limiting all future possibility. One tends to love one's thought structure and clings to it as if it were the Ultimate. In reality, it is a toothpick to which we cling as our life raft in a vast ocean. Our transformation as humans requires that it be let go.