Sunday, April 22, 2012

re-flect: throw back

A reason self-reflective thoughts are regarded as foolish and a dwelling in illusion is because there is no self to reflect, only a reflection. One can't get rid of ego because there is none. To wrestle with an illusion is a form of insanity. To deny oneself is not an act of self-sacrifice; it is to awaken from the illusion of self. The ouroboros quits biting its tail and spinning round and round.

(We make up a self as children to deal with the trauma of powerlessness. We continue making up a self and selves as we go.)

1 comment:

  1. George, I am a former student of yours from days of yore at USD from 1969-1971. You were the one bright spark of humanity in a morass of pathology. Would like to connect with you again but can't find an e-mail for you anywhere anywhere. If you are so inclined, please contact me
