Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Each of us is born into a thought community.

We take on the thought system of that thought community.

The thought system tells us who we are, where we came from, what is important, how to live, where we are going.

Some of us stay within that thought system all our lives.

Some of us leave the thought system and adopt a different thought system.

The different thought system adopted may be that of another thought community.

Some of us then stay within the thought system of our new community.

Some of us who have adopted the thought system of a new community leave that community and open to a different thought system.

Some of us explore all thought systems and find a common underpinning to them all. If that commonality fits our experience thus far, we adopt that underpinning as the basis for our idiosyncratic thought system.

And so on.

We are born again and again. Unless we stop thinking and decide to stay where we are until we die.

Monday, August 26, 2013

dear unborn kin

Dear Unborn Kin, The people with money now own our government. The people with money now ARE our government. The money bubble will eventually burst. But this is the way it is right now. We with little money far outnumber those who own and make a profit off almost everything. We are hooked deeply into the system however and see no easy way out. We serve the Empire. Many of us act as if we don't, saying that we live in higher realms, but we still have to obey money flow and thus continue to be loyal servants. I hope by your time we humans have figured out a better way. I hope our overlords are off playing other games elsewhere. Or the market has finally crashed and money is worthless and they are on the streets like all the rest of us. Suffering either way. As for me, I appreciate the graciousness of the Cosmos. As one of those who lives in higher wider deeper realms, I know that everyone eventually gets their comeuppance. A higher law prevails. We keep lovingkindness, generosity, and open awareness in our hearts and refuse to be contaminated by those who do not. Blessings to you, Your Loving Ancestor

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cosmic Download: The Empty Circle (Chapter Twelve)

I follow a path that most will not even or ever consider, much less follow: the path of the empty circle, the path of becoming as nothing. Most, it seems, want to become something (some thing) or somebody (some body), not realizing that things and bodies are invented chimera doomed to dissolution. (My aim here is not to counter dissolution, which aim would be just another groping for false identity.)

The science path shoves aside the nature of the mind as of little or no importance and, at best, relegates it to a fog arising off the neural substrate which disappears when the meat rots. The religious path insists upon identity, proclaiming that those who follow the path (whether buddhist, christian, jewish, islamic, hindu, wiccan, republican, democrat, etc.) will be “saved.”

The two paths have in common the taking of a stance. The science path believes in sub stance. The religious path believes in supra stance. Each takes the circle of existence (circum stance) and fills it with their favorite flavor and their imagery of what is.

I hesitate to write about the path of the empty circle not only because to write about it I have to fill it, but because in writing about it the danger arises of it too becoming a path with ritual and rank and certificates of graduation with some being in the “in” club and giving each other the empty circle handshake and zooming off to the latest empty circle conference as advertised on the Oprah show.

Few have followed this path, become this path. I will point to some of them, their concepts and their lives.

My initiation into this journey began a few decades ago when I was told in no uncertain terms: “Confront the lion in his den. Accept the empty circle."

Thursday, August 22, 2013


There are those of melancholic disposition, back of hand to brow in fitful resignation and despairing fortitude. My disposition is more that of the sun with the shining of radiant energy in all directions, no holding back. Joy and exuberance come naturally. What can I do? I've tried depression, melancholy, angst, sarcasm, irony, irritation, the seeking of filling all bodily orifices with pleasure, power over, neurotic anxiety, detachment, smugness, superiority, inferiority, rampant political sloganry, buddhism, taoism, christianism, and all the other slots and holes the human pinball falls into and can stay in none of them for long. My nature is to shine in infinite space, no bounds. Radiance. I've tried and I have tried but there is nothing else I can do. I accept my fate with joy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

dear unborn kin

Dear Unborn Kin,

A few decades ago the culture of this time killed God or left Him alone in an abandoned room to die. The postmodern (as some call today's world) sensibility is to regard no one as having any greater understanding of the origin and purpose of life than Me. Me rules everything.

Now Me stands alone as an orphan of the cosmos seeking shelter where Me may. Me finds such shelter in the company of like-minded Me's. A campfire is built attracting other Me's of similar nature, mood, and circumstance.

Campfires have sprung up all over with one rigid requirement: I may group with You but no one knows better than Me. This is the cry and the necessity of the orphan, the cosmic orphan.

Many continue to regard themselves as Cosmic Citizens, as members of a group that never meets because always meeting. Even to name the group meets resistance for fear a church might be formed and the Cosmic Me be confronted with a Cosmic Other.

We humans are so fun.

Hope all is well there in the future,

Your Loving Ancestor