Saturday, April 27, 2013


We humans encapsulate ourselves in at least three forms of imagery: recall imagery, second-hand imagery, and spontaneous imagery.(Plus first-hand imagery)

Friday, April 26, 2013

psychic atmosphere

We breathe in not just air. We breathe in our own psychic atmosphere. We breathe out not just air. We breathe out to all around our own psychic atmosphere. The quality of our own psychic atmosphere determines whether we pollute or heal. Our psychic atmosphere quality is determined by the imagery of our thoughts. We either have a cloud around our head or open light, smog or sun. We breathe in that atmosphere to ourselves, polluting or healing. We breathe out that atmosphere to others around us, polluting or healing. We breathe not just air. We breathe our psychic atmosphere.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

notes on recall and second-hand imagery

Recall imagery is loaded with emotional energy, will overwhelm present awareness if not careful (cher - full, attentive from the heart, from one's very core). Second-hand imagery, imagery painted by words of others, written or spoken, has much less emotional impact, unless one has direct experience, pre-existing or called forth, of that imagery. Hence, spiritual (vertical) and political (horizontal) imagery are less impactful unless directly experienced by the person. That is why some are on fire and some are not. In my experience, the vertical realm trumps (but can lend energy to) the horizontal realm.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

for the erg of me

We must reclaim our merge-inity. "M-erg-e" is composed of "erg" (a unit of life force) and "me." When the life force is in the midst of me, I have reclaimed my merge-inity. I am now a mergion once again.

"Merge" is our true and deep reality.

Our emotions are not our true and deep reality. They are an integral part of the humanimal we are. but not our true and deep reality. When the body dies, the emotions disappear.

Our cognitive frame, the careful (and perhaps not so careful) structure we have built for making sense of the world, for viewing our surrounds is not our true reality. When the body dies, our cognitive frame will disappear.

[Cognitive frame joke -- Judge: "Are you guilty or not guilty?" Response: "I was framed, your honor!"]

Our merge is our deep and true reality. As mergions, our emotions do not sweep us away. We have emotions, but we are not our emotions. As mergions,our cognitive frames fall away. We recognize our cognitive frame and step beyond it.

How do we do this? How do we reclaim our merginity? By sitting in the seat at the center of our soul. Then opening with no bounds. We move through the world as mergions once again.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Up and Atom

Consider this.

You are a sphere of energy that radiates outward in all directions, infinitely.

The quality of energy that you are depends upon
(1) whether you are centering or off center,
(2) upon what center you choose, and
(3) upon your centering default mode (your habitual place of centering).

The quality of energy that you are radiates outward in all directions, infinitely.

When you are transformed, the cosmos is transformed.
When you are a zit, the cosmos becomes more zit-like.
When you are a harmonious presence, the cosmos becomes more harmonious.

The quality of energy that you are radiates outward in all directions, infinitely. If you wish to transform the world, transform yourself. When you are transformed, the world is transformed.

How is this so?

The cosmos (which includes the human societal world) is an eternal now, an Eternal Now. The cosmos is eternally nowing. Out of this eternal now springs all that is. More accurately (less statically), this eternal now continues springing.

This eternally springing forever now is Interflowing, is supreme connectioning. This Interflowing knows no bounds, is boundless, is forever bounding. When centering and opening, we too are boundless. We have no bounds. The sphere of energy that we are knows no bounds. We are the Inteflow flowing.

Unless. Unless we center ourselves in a zit, a sidepool of angry and despairing stagnation.
A zit can become our default energy mode.
We are unhappy and ensure that all around us is unhappy.
We extend zit energy outward in all directions.
We are pissed about the world and the way it is.
In doing so, we are making the world a pissy place.
So much for zit mode.
The quality of energy that we are depends upon
(1) whether we are centering or off center,
(2) upon what center we choose, and
(3) upon our centering default mode (our habitual place of centering).

What is the highest, widest, deepest, most powerfully transcendent mode one can embody? You tell me. Better still. Embody it. Transform the world.

Embodying means that all one's actions flow out of the quality of the centering we choose. We do not sit in woowoo land. We are Up and Atom.

We are spheres of energy that radiate outward in all directions, infinitely.

Friday, April 12, 2013

beyond the bones

We can turn our attention outward, to "nature" and to the co-created human society of bombs and money and celebrations and chat-fests, and we can turn our attention inward. By inward I certainly do not mean focusing awareness on the organs or the bones, though that can be a worthy endeavor. I mean the vast inner stillness and openness without bound. In essence (essentiality: what is absolutely required and at the "bottom" of it all), we become aware of awareness itself. And when the "we" that is becoming aware of awareness disappears, only Awareness remains. I capitalize it to point out, to emphasize that It is one without a second. It is the Ground which is the Sky. And why should I bother telling "you" of this? Or writing these words except so "I" can see It more clearly and appreciate Its openness and power -- the powers of creation? And when the I (eye) that is looking and the It that is looked at merge, only Silence exists with deep cello notes of Melancholy accompanied by vibrato of Laughter in the deepness of the Deep of the Living Belly and an explosive outdawning of Joy. When "we" turn "our" attention "inward."

Sunday, April 7, 2013


All that is required of us is to move with the spirit (the life force) of love, of truth, of beauty. We include, but move beyond the cha-cha mind, the rooftop chatter, the ratio intellect of plan and scheme. We live and move and work in this horizontal world while infused with energy from the vertical realm, from The One Who Breathes Us. We embody Spirit. We embody the Life Force.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I remember The One Who Births Me.
I arise like a phoenix from the ashes of my soul.