Friday, February 28, 2014

this life

As soon as one births a sound, a movement, or an image, a world is born in which one must live. Habits of thought are our prison. The only escape is through the birthing of new sounds, new movements, new images. Sharks forever swimming. Unless. Unless we open our hearts, our souls, allowing the continuous flowthrough of the Eternal Now. Embodyings of the everchanging Life Force.

Monday, February 24, 2014

learning how to die

"Keep one-point" is the most powerful and most essential practice taught me by a martial art teacher (Koichi Tohei). Keeping one-point has served me through my life and is now serving me as I continue learning how to die.

The one-point or center in the body is two to three inches below the navel and deep inside. One moves from one-point. This allows one to get out of the head chatter, out of entangling emotion, out of fabricated illusion and move with full attentiveness and clarity through life.

But how about through death? One does not want to stay attached to one's body. Where then shall one keep one's one-point? Where shall one center oneself?

I practice the answer to this question even now. I center in the Formless that is producing this form. Rather than being a body that is embodying the Life Force, I practice being the Life Force that is embodying. In other words, I am practicing dying before I die. I identify with the Formless rather than the form.

Where is my one-point? I center in the vastness that produces all that is. I hear comforting laughter and feel warmth and peace. Centering and opening. No attachment. Boundless capaciousness. As Stephen Levine put it, a spiritual being having physical experiences rather than a physical being having spiritual experiences.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Do you know what is true and real? Our Awareness. Not that with which we fill our Awareness. That comes and goes. Not our shrewd efforts to establish our ego stance as right and righteous and all else and all others as wrong. Awareness persists. All else flows in and out. Awareness is true and real. When we take our stance on what comes in and out of Awareness, we stand upon self-chosen illusion. Awareness is not even "our" Awareness. Awareness has no our. Awareness is.

Monday, February 10, 2014

bubble heads

Every individual thought structure produces and is produced by a potpourri of imagery.

Each thought community shares a common imagery.

Differences in thought communities are differences in imagery.

Each thought community believes its imagery to be the most accurate depiction of Reality.

Religions, philosophies, political persuasions, ideologies, science theories, and common sense are thought communities. Subdivisions exist within each.

Each thought community has its own criteria of proof.

Each thought community is both predator and victim of its imagery.

In other words,

Every human is a bubble head.

Every bubble head community shares a common set of bubbles.

Differences in bubble head communities are differences in sets of bubbles.

Each bubble head community believes its set of bubbles to be Reality.

Religions, philosophies, political persuasions, ideologies, science theories, and common sense are bubble head communities. Subdivisions of bubble heads exist within each.

Each bubble head community has its own criteria of proof of the Reality of its bubbles.

Each bubble head community both devours others with its imagery and is devoured by its imagery.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

talking with my Doc

I went to see my Doc yesterday, a solid M.D. with an additional strong interest in the realm of the Invisible. We always yak a little about the cosmophilotheosophical before attending to the physical business.

He spoke today of the situation of humanity.

He then said, "I want to get a copy of a manuscript to you that someone gave me. It speaks of the Inner and the Outer, of our having an inner life and an outer life, and that the two are different realms. What do you think about that?"

I said that makes sense to me and that many folk seem to live in that dualistic state with its dissonance, troubles, and problems. Many folk seem to have that split consciousness, feeling themselves to be isolated protoplasmic blobs from the rest of All That Is.

He wondered if it had to be that way.

I said no, in addition to living in the Inner and living in the Outer, there is a third way.

The consulting room was silent as he waited to hear.

"One IS the Inner emerging into the Outer. One comes from deep within the All and emerges outward as the All. No separation. This is a state of consciousness that is Whole."

"How does this happen?" he asked with deep interest.

"For some, it happens to them," I said. "For others, it has to be sought and opened into."

"How do they do that?"

"The same method exists across cultures and across time. Sit down, shut up, let all drop away, all chit-chat of the mind. Become empty, quiet, and open. Awareness expands. Consciousness opens."

We sat quietly for a bit. Aware. Open.

We then attended to my physical manifestation.

I love my Doc.