Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Carl Jung helped popularize the concept and reality of synchronicity. A few years ago, synthronicity, the word and its meaning emerged into my consciousness in the wee hours of one morn. I spoke of the concept to Jean Bolen, a Jungian who wrote a book on synchronicity, but she seemed to give it little heed. Can't say as I blame her, confronted by a bohunk from the hinterlands waxing eloquent (or at least verbose) on such an abstruse topic.

Syn-throne-icity: simultaneous sitting on the throne of Creation. Folk have been crucified, drawn-and-quartered, stake burned for suggesting less. God and I occupying the same seat at the same time. This is, or can consciously be, a continuing occurrence for each of us. It is occurring all the time. We are self-hypnotized and refuse to open to it.

The seat at the center of the soul is also the seat upon which the Great Mystery sits. Synthronicity.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

a parable for our times

Once there was a corporation. It was nothing but a tax break, a dodge. Then it convinced the humans who formed it to make it a real person. They did. An invisible nothingness became a being. With the obedience of the people who served it, it became larger than any human or group of humans. The corporation or Corp(se), as it began to be affectionately known among its intimates, took over the world. All humans were mere instruments of its will. A few humans did not serve the Corp(se). They followed their hearts and their hearts were strongholds of Spirit and Laughter and Love. The Corp(se) tried to ignore them, always pushing them aside. But the people persisted and would not go away. They followed Spirit, LifeForce, and knew the Corp(se) was doomed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the matter of sub stance

We humans take a position and then we justify our position. We hover in space and swear we are substantial. Ha ha! Sub-stance-ial means beneath any stance. Why do we not swear we are suprastantial, above any stance? Because we are not above taking a stance. We are sub-stantial. We are beneath the stance we take. Encased within it like a skinny person in a fat body. Surrounded by our stance, we are a victim of our circum-stance.

A stance is a trance. A way out is to dance. A dancer dances rings around a stancer. The trance dance of a stancer is a sight to behold. Come out here and take a look. Careful, don't get too entranced or you and I will be looking at you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

on personal transformation

The only thing you wish to transform is a misbegotten piece of residue to which you cling like a drowning person in an ocean. It is giving way beneath you. Then what will you do? Look at the you who wishes to transform, not at the residue. Turn around in your consciousness and look. Who is it looking at your mind and your mind stuff? If you say "me," you are wrong, mistaken, still a poor deluded fool hypnotized by his own hypnosis.

You cannot grasp the Ungraspable. But you can see It. And there is no longer you. Both seer and seen are gone. The seer is no longer making a seen. You are It.

The thin skin of the balloon disappears. The air inside and the air outside are same air.

Awareness expands.

But you shout! I want to be somebody!

Okay, then you are still on the wheel and you can give it another round.

No, no! I want to be a little wheel in heaven and be taken care of forever.

Okay, then you are still on the wheel and you can give it another round.

No, no! I simply want more adventure. Adventure with You. Adventure as You.

Hmmm. . . I think I have just the job for you. Have you ever heard of Bodhisattva? Come with Me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

birthplace of compassion

Everything we see in others exists within ourselves. Everything. Otherwise we could not see it. This is where compassion is born.

Monday, August 22, 2011

transmeat and meat

Some believe that consciousness is nothing more than a vapor arising from the meat we are. Others hold that conscious awareness exists independently of meat. I open to both views. Simultaneously. Conscious awareness has invaded the world of meat and interflows with meat vapor.

In chakra language, meat consciousness makes up the lower chakras. Transmeat and transpersonal or cosmic consciousness radiates from the higher chakras. We are embodyings of heaven (transmeat) and earth (meat). Jacob's Ladder, the Caduceus, and the Cross are symbols of this embodying. Feet on ground and head in heavens, we live our lives.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

mindful awareness

Many folk think they are their thoughts. This is not so. Mindful awareness reveals that we are not our thoughts.

Many folk feel they are their emotions. This is not so. Mindful awareness reveals that we are not our emotions.

Many folk exult in being their body. This is not so. Mindful awareness reveals that we are not our body.

Friday, August 19, 2011

no longer bound

We cast aside the vertical and began opening to the horizontal with the advent of the "enlightenment" and science. This has brought us to the mess we are in. Now it is time to reclaim both vertical and horizontal by opening to the spherical. We encompass both vertical and horizontal and go beyond. The Celtic cross is a perfect symbol for this. The circle at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal depicts humanity's next step in its evolution of consciousness. The circle, when understood and experienced multi-dimensionally is a sphere. Each of us is a sphere of consciousness extending to infinity in all "directions" with no bounds except those we set ourselves. Each of us is a sphere of consciousness within the Sphere of Consciousness which births us. Our Source is a sphere with no surface whose center is everywhere. One of those "everywheres" is you, is me, is each of us. Our understandings and adventures are limitless -- no longer bound to a constricted and inflated separative ego struggling on a horizontal plane.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

stretched upon the cross of all duality

In embodying as matter, we have freely taken on the reconciliation of opposites. We are stretched upon the cross of all duality. Our task is to reconcile, redeem, restore. We do this through our heart center, the exact location pointed to by the intersection of the cross's vertical and horizontal poles.

In the vertical realm, we unify the divine and the earthly. We are a conduit of energies connecting the above and the below, the supraconscious and the subconscious. Horizontally, we face this world and all its schisms, disputes and wranglings and separations. We drop all righteousness of stance, no longer looking to "give it to them" because they are us.

Stretched upon this cross of duality, we embody all opposites. We are "all things to all men." The war is over. We have ended it within ourselves.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Each of us lives in the realm of the Imaginal. We operate out of the Imaginal into the realm of the Everyday. We embody a mythos, a state of consciousness or awareness, peopled by many forms of energetic being.

Mythos does not mean unreal. The realm of mythos is the palpable presence of a higher, wider, deeper reality that encompasses, helps birth, and interflows with human societal or dense matter reality.

Each of us lives in the land of mythos and in the space-time realm simultaneously. We shall do so until we drop the body and move on into the mythos we already inhabit.

So-called hell and so-called heaven are simply extensions of the mythos we already are and that we continue to unfold.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

my home town

Do you see where Nothing has yet to come into Being?
Do you see where Everything has come into Being?
Do you see that space between the two,
the river of flow out of Nothingness into Somethingness?
I speak from here.
Here is where I live.
This is my home town.
This is where my wings spread
and I soar. All birds uncaged.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

looking into the eyes of the abyss

Western spirituality is based upon experiencing oneself as a concrete "I" which, since separate and in rebellion, must be saved or transcended. Eastern spirituality focuses on dissolving into the Infinite, the Abyss. Western spirituality seeks to resolve the dilemma of 1; Eastern spirituality resolves such by becoming 0.

Nikos Kazantzakis, in his writings and his ground-breaking life, looks to experience both positions and both resolutions simultaneously, to become a different sort of human, to live in and as a consciousness state incorporating both 1 and 0. When one embodies the two, one becomes more than either of them. A third is born and walks the planet.

This consciousness state is that of one who can and does stare into the Abyss without fear or hope. Not a Christian, which depends on the continuous surrender of ego (continuous because the ego is always reclaiming its separateness). Not a Buddhist, which requires annihilation (nirvana is the blowing out of the flame). Something new. Something more like, but more than, a Zen Baptist. (The Celtic Cross is perhaps a useful symbol of this merge, with its O at the intersection of the erect cross.)

I'm describing a consciousness state which moves into and goes through the Christian experience and into and through the Buddhist experience, and emerges with a consciousness that is seeking neither salvation nor bliss, which embodies all duality and goes beyond. (Note: I use Christian and Buddhist as examples because I am most familiar with those two paths. Other spiritual paths are faced with the same 1 - 0 dilemma.)

The Christianity nearest this 1 - 0 resolution is Advaitic or Kenotic Christianity. The Buddhist path nearest this is Zen. Both lead to following a Path of No Path, then leaving that behind. My writings of the Noirior and of the consciousness state of Stagger Li are further attempts to describe this state of consciousness beyond fear and hope, this intimate acquaintance with the Force which moves us in Its perpetual desire to be born. Kazantzakis called this state of being the Cretan Glance.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

morning thoughts

We wear our social being like a pair of pajamas at an all-night party.

One of the best sentences I have ever read about understanding the Tanakh, the Bible, the Qur'an, the Buddhist Sutras, the Vedic Scriptures, and so on: "...the interpretation of every text requires the knowledge of its context and the intuition of its pretext." (Raimon Panikkar, The Experience of God)

We "prove" that in which we already believe. We bring into existence that which we already are.

Fatigue is a form of faith -- allowing the consequential to become inconsequential.

Friday, August 5, 2011

personifying the universe

I understand, and admire to some extent, post-modern pre-apocalypse human effort to stand alone, bloody head unbowed, with no images of God or gods. So be it and blessings to you.

As for me, I dwell within, and as, a rich tapestry, a holographic weaving of soul and spirit, a cosmos that has not just a horizontal but also a vertical dimension. I can and do plunge to the depths and soar in the heights. As Heracleitus wrote: "The way up and down is one and the same."

Below me are aspects of myself that wish to claim dominion. I own them unless I allow them to own me. Above are those I serve and continue opening to, ever-widening circles and spheres without end.

Claiming to be a person, I personify the universe. I take everything personally -- gods and demons and angels -- spiritual entities by whatever name. All spiritual entities are both inside me and outside me, for inside and outside are one and the same.

I like opening to the angels of my being -- and beyond. I know I have my roots in darkness. Yet through this darkness comes a thread of light, exploding in ecstatic joy beyond comprehension. I see this. I feel this. I am this.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

twitter novel

A couple of years ago, I decided to write a twitter novel. Each chapter had to be 140 words or less. The novel was about East meeting West -- no-thought meeting thought, no-mind meeting mind. In the novel, Tesshu represents the East, Nietzsche the West. (If you are unacquainted with either of these two, Google them.) This intro is getting longer than the novel, Psychopomp.

A twitter novel: 140 characters or less per chapter

Chapter One
Mountain trail. Sheer drop right. Cliff face left. Wind blasts, shrieking energy threatening footing. Nothing personal. But real.

Chapter Two
Around hairpin. Out of wind. Safety. What!? Piercing luminous eyes matching his. No advance. No retreat. Heart thumping fear rage. Impasse.

Chapter Three
Nietzsche laughed. Ironic bitter joy. Was this his doppelganger, his death twin? His doom and salvation in one package. He moved in.

Chapter Four
Japan opens doors. Tesshu leaps through. “Zen warrior relentless openness seeks Prussian intellectual fire.” Fair trade.

Chapter Five
2 yamabushi clash. Mountain warriors. Highest peaks of awareness. Alpine thought sword, Fuji no-thought sword. Stand-off. Zanshin.

Chapter Six
Thinking! rails Nietzsche. Not-thinking! thunders Tesshu. Swords locked they stand. 1 and 0 in eternal combat.

Chapter Seven
USA. Two bulls. Dakota field. Horns locked, eyes bulging, foreheads bleeding, snot and drool, shit running down back legs. Relentless.

Chapter Eight
No backing up. Sheer cliff face. No backing down. Sheer abyss drop. The two masters see no opening. No way to close.

Chapter Nine
Alpine clash. An eagle flies down, rests on their immovable X-crossed blades. Without-thinking, it sighs. Flies away.

Chapter Ten
"Without-thinking!" the two cogno-warriors simul-shouted, tossing philosoph-swords into abyss. Laughing and pounding each other’s back.

The Beginning

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The descent of light into matter and its subsequent return, often represented as a V, is an age-old description of cosmic existence.

The left wing of the V is Light descending and burying itself deeply into Matter, or more appropriately, becoming Matter. Matter is dense Light. The V's right wing is Matter ascending into Light, or dense Light releasing Itself.

Call the place of meeting of the two wings the Spot. When human Awareness is neither stuck in dense Matter, thinking that only matter matters, nor flooded with Light, mystical union, we are on the Spot. Our existential or energetic being IS the Spot.

Crucifixion (left wing) and resurrection (right wing) occur at the same time. We are dying while being born.

Light is endarkening. Dark is enlightening. Simultaneously.

We are this.