Monday, August 15, 2011


Each of us lives in the realm of the Imaginal. We operate out of the Imaginal into the realm of the Everyday. We embody a mythos, a state of consciousness or awareness, peopled by many forms of energetic being.

Mythos does not mean unreal. The realm of mythos is the palpable presence of a higher, wider, deeper reality that encompasses, helps birth, and interflows with human societal or dense matter reality.

Each of us lives in the land of mythos and in the space-time realm simultaneously. We shall do so until we drop the body and move on into the mythos we already inhabit.

So-called hell and so-called heaven are simply extensions of the mythos we already are and that we continue to unfold.


  1. Cocooned in mythos,
    A light plays through chrysalis;
    Space-time wings unfurl.


  2. A great big YES beyond the word flows through me as I read your words here George. Space-time phenomena beguile me and sometimes draws me away from an awareness of Mythopoesis but "Mythos" cradles me just the same and whenever I awaken I always find myself here, like Dorothy discovering she could have gone home at anytime along her journey. At some level we are always home -Stan
