Thursday, April 12, 2012

the primacy of the invisible

I believe we will get through this -- this decline of the dominatrix, the decline of this most current attempt across aeons of time to put humans above all other life forms.

I believe in "the primacy of the invisible" -- concentric spheres of wisdom and intelligence thoroughly active from the submolecular to the metagalactic.

Let us call these concentric spheres, this interwoven network in which all life forms are both manifested and joined, the Holoarchy.

We will move through this by living in accord with the Holoarchy, by knowing deeply (no lip service) that all life forms are interdependent and living accordingly. When we do (and stop looking for the salvation of our own sorry separate souls), we will be continually surprised by what we find.

We ARE this interflow. We are a planetary and cosmic community. To build a society of separation and dominance is suicidal madness. The evidence is in, once again, that this is so.

As the juggernaut crashes around us, we will get through this. We will get through this by living in accord with the primacy of the invisible, which is not invisible for those with eyes to see.


  1. "which is not invisible for those with eyes to see"

    I completely agree, George. Helping others to 'see' is sometimes frustrating until we realize AND accept that it will not be us who helps said person(s) open those eyes. Namaste'.

  2. George,

    This "primacy of the invisible" seems to be echoed in one of Franklin Merrell-Wolff's quotes:

    "Substantiality is inversely proportional to ponderability."

    I see Man's throne of ascension as being cleverly crafted from a 'natural light'--a Luciferian intellect--used to illuminate and map the insubstantial.

    "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." --Darth Vader

    It's exactly this self-exaltation--this pride--which has placed us upon our throne of 'natural light.' And all the while, the Great Silence--the Holoarchy--flows in, around, through and about us:

    "...the Kingdom of the Father is already spread out upon the earth, and people aren't aware of it." --The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 113

    I agree that we will get through this juggernaut with the "eyes to see."

