Tuesday, May 18, 2010


If we wish to understand the internal cosmos, our internal nature, we have to lay ourselves on the line, no holding back. Abstract knowledge, retreating into some hypothetical bubble of a viewing point, does not work here.

Abstract knowledge is a language of uncertainty; one is considering various hypotheses as to one's being, trying them on for size.

A logic of causality and deduction, while useful for some purposes, must finally be set aside when looking to comprehend what gives birth to a logic of causality and deduction.

Certain knowledge arises out of being itself, before there is any separation, any codification, any partialing oneself off as a parcel.

That which is doing the seeking is that for which we are searching. What we are searching with is that which we seek. This is certain and moving with it is certainty.


  1. The only certainty is that there is uncertainty. Whatever the plan is, I hope that the Source initiates it soon. Otherwise, egocentric minds will spoil the ecosystem rendering Mankind and many other species extinct. It's a joy to be alive when free of mind. So simple. Yet so rare in the mind dominated culture. There is nothing to seek once the mind becomes silent. Yet, the moment when the silence dominates and peace arises is uncertain. Now we have a choice, the silence of death or the silent joy of Living. Which silence will dominate Humanity is uncertain at this moment.

  2. Pointing at the pointer...Being with being...being with the unknown...knowing certainty is a concept.


  3. "Knowing certainty" is a concept. Knowing certainty is not.
