Sunday, May 16, 2010

department of the interior

We have conveniently (and are we not all about convenience these days?) divided our world into interior and exterior. We make of ourselves mobile self-contained units, particulates moving through the world, containers of fantasy and peculiar imaginations which by no means must be regarded as real.

All interior movement not conforming to a pre-defined world of the exterior must be either manipulated for and by the mass market, medicated so as not to get out of hand, or if spoken of, met with ridicule and scorn.

To redress this imbalance, we need, individually and collectively, to attend more to our department of the interior. The interior or esoteric world is real, as real as, more real than the nose on our face. The esoteric world is a spiritual world, populated with powers, forces, and entities.

"As above, so below" has been the practice reminder. Now we cry, "As within, so without!" We repeat this healing formula in every way we know how until the discrepancy, the split we have created has disappeared.



  1. Stan responds...

    "When you've seen beyond yourself
    Then you will find
    Peace of mind is waiting there
    And the time will come
    When you see we're all one
    And life flows on within you and without you."
    ~ George Harrison

  2. ...yes, Yes, YES! Thank you, George (and Stan)! Cathy : )

  3. Wonderful George. Thank you!

    Stan, when I started regarding this post, that same Beatles song started playing in my head. I got a big smile when I saw you had posted it! You'd almost think we are connected or something. (:
