Tuesday, December 1, 2009

the crux of the matter

I was sitting on the sofa the other morning minding my own business as usual and thinking about something I think about off and on, trying to comprehend it. And all of a sudden I got that urge I know so well to start writing because when I start writing the thoughts seem to come. This is what I wrote:

If you get freaked out by Jesus talk, hang on! Don't get your shorts in a wad. There's treasure here. What does it mean to die daily? What does it mean to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow in Jesus' steps?

What does it mean to follow the crucifixion path? Why should you even bother? Aren't you supposed to amplify the splendor of you infinitely and eternally? What is this crucifixion stuff?

Whatever one's theological or atheological beliefs, the image of the Source of all being deliberately assuming human form and enduring more intense suffering than any of us will ever experience or can begin to imagine, and not just enduring but moving through with a heart of forgiveness and love into an overcoming of hell and death, is a powerful one.

Our suffering is put into perspective and a way through and out is shown. In Jesus' journey, the universe itself has modeled this path for us.

Drop your prejudices for or against christianity for a moment (christianity is beside the point here) and take a look.

You may not have thought of it this way, but you are nailed to the spot you are in. X marks your spot. The situational weather around your cross (X) may change, but you are always where you are, in fixed position, unable to move from your cross except by dying, and dying is what shall surely happen, is what you shall surely do.

Meanwhile, you labor and you suffer and you love. While nailed to the spot you are in, while being the nailing you are, you labor to keep an open heart from which you suffer and which is the true source of love.

You do not seek suffering. Being a human on earth is enough.

To deny yourself and take up your cross daily means exactly that. Rather than falling for the glamour of personification of yourself as misunderstood tragic hero(ine) or whatever your favorite image, icon, idol of yourself may be, deny that and take up your cross. Stand fully present in your spot and face and deal with whatever comes, whatever arises. This is our labor. This is our suffering. And from this we know and can fully express love.

Well, there you have it! That's what came.


  1. Hi George:
    I like what came; being human is gritty and often hard, but also laced with the sublime, the hilarious, and unimaginable beauty. Opening ones heart while nailed in place is the key which unlocks everything. It is also the only way a noirior can exist in the world.

  2. Powerful! I am not nailed 2 day with something so moving!

  3. George,

    Great to hear your voice and see your face!

    This hit the cruX of the matter for me to be sure. Laboring to keep an open heart, which will only allow more suffering to enter, which will require even greater efforts to keep our hearts open. This is the fire in which we are cured... from which beauty and joy and laughter flow. This is Love.

    I am reminded of a poem our dear friend in Vermillion once shared with me. "My heart is broken . . .Open".

    After reading your words, and remembering I am nailed to this spot, I now see Creation unfolding. Overwhelming at once in both simplicity and complexity. Well worth the price (X) of admission. I am in awe again.

    Thanks for another wonderful eye opener...another way to practice!

  4. Great to be able to see you as you read to me. Watching your facial expressions gives a lot more meaning to your words. Besides, you are SO handsome. You can't help it.

  5. Thank you, Ginny. What you are calling handsome is spiritual energy that flows through and makes contact with all on similar planes.

    You are an expressive writer, Patrick. I love your soul.

    Sean, you wild man! I can't imagine you being nailed by anything for long.

    Brad, thank you for that imagery of the noirior on the cross. That amplifies the concept and its meaning. Reverberations continue ....
