Sunday, December 6, 2009

headmind and heartmind

Many of us keep ourselves from entering the inner depths of our soul through continuous attention to external matters and to thoughts with their accompanying emotion about those matters. These reveries about the external world can be called dreaming. We awaken out of a night's sleep into this dreaming, this continuous self-hypnotic revery.

To begin to enter the depths of one's soul is to leave the dreaming behind. The major point of entry into the vastness of the soul is the heart. To do so, one must get past the dragon that lives in the head -- the dragon of criticism, judgment, blame, and cynical mistrust.

And past the chattering parrot that perches on the shoulder of the certified accountant that takes stock of all and looks to make sure that the books are balanced in one's favor.

All three of these head-dwellers must be left behind.

One goes out of one's headmind (often thought, mistakenly, to be the bastion of sanity) and into one's heartmind.

One's heartmind is the opening to the depths and the radii-ations of one's soul, of the soul that one is. One moves beyond the body and away from the roof-top chatter of the head.

(To be continued)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful words, George, and so well timed.

    I got past the dragon yesterday, which can be tough for me as it makes me feel so self justified in my anger. It can be a tough spell to break, but through a quiet mind and a loving heart, the dragon did yield. I was able to leave it behind.

    Enjoy this beautiful day, my friend!
