Saturday, December 19, 2009

the adventurous

We are born, and though we have the societal scaffolding to help us figure this out, this who we are, this where we are, and what is going on, we still have to understand it for ourselves.

For the adventurous, it is a continuing comprehension.

It is tempting to succumb to
the deep-seated sofa of dogma for relief,
butts and heads deep-sprung, locked in,

but the future of humankind lies with the adventurous,
those with ever-expanding vision and the nerve
to surf nakedly with loving heart on the immediacy of now.


  1. It seems the last sentence (surf nakedly..)would make an ideal bumpersticker for the new year!?. Or the prayer for a new religion. Just imagine someone turning that into a dogma.
    Love you George!

  2. Laughing -- a good bumpersticker indeed! Great love to you, Tania!
