Saturday, November 19, 2011


Ego is a way of maneuvering in the material world. Our learned ways of manipulating the material world (consolidated into what we call ego) are of no value in maneuvering in the spiritual world. A different vehicle is needed.

The vehicle for maneuvering in the spiritual world possesses characteristics opposite to the vehicle for maneuvering in the material world. Where the ego vehicle is blaming, judgmental, clinging, suspicious, desirous, unsatisfied, opportunistic, greedy, self-admiring, self-doubting, ambitious, masturbatory, violent, contemptuous, and stuporous, the vehicle for maneuvering in the spiritual world is mindful, open, loving, acceptant, calm, surrendering, forgiving, contemplative, energizing, engaging, diamond sharp, relentless, present, aware, quiet, and knows no bounds.

Two very different vehicles. The consolidated ego and the radiant sphere. We are all wounded. The ego is the protective scab over our wound. The radiant sphere is the opening of our wounding to the healing of the Wellspring, the Source which births and breathes us. Driving our ego vehicle, we go nowhere at all. As a radiant sphere, we are always already everywhere.


  1. "The egg is the ego, the bird is the liberated self." -A. Watts
