Monday, November 28, 2011

a person whose focus

A person whose focus is on the world of appearance rather than upon deeper reality rides roughshod over the tender toughness of the heart of nature, sells the soul of the earth for material gain and pleasure. Hungry ghosts with vast mouths, narrow constricted throats, and forever unsatisfied and bloated bellies. We celebrate them as successes. We are them.


  1. Resolution: Open to and live in accord with deeper reality. Move with nature, rather than against.

  2. occupy Best Buy
    occupy Wall Street

    occupy our minds fully.

    thx,geo, for this post

  3. Occupying is possessing
    Possessing possesses the possessor
    The possessor is constricted
    Constriction eclipses expansiveness

    No occupier; nothing to occupy


