Thursday, November 10, 2011


In early personhood (age 12 and on), I began learning the art of disappearing so that others could appear. Later, as a practicing psychologist, this was essential.

Rather than being an evangelist of my own consciousness state, looking for as many converts as possible, turning out little clones of George ("if you will only be like me, your psychospiritual problems will disappear"), I condensed into a centering point, thus allowing full play to the other's expression of their psychic state. This disappearance while being fully present is called listening.

Without losing one's own center, one is "converted" to another person's way of thinking. This is true not only for the consciousness states of individuals, but also for the larger more inclusive consciousness states known as world views or religions or cultures and their subcultures. This is why I am a Christian Taoist Pagan Agnostic Buddhist Islamic Hindu Atheist Wakan Tankan Scientist...

As the world continues to shrink and we are increasingly tossed into each other's laps, it is important to be converted to each other's way of seeing without losing our own view. We center within our own being while opening to the views of others.

No longer are we colonialists looking to colonize the world with our superiority, we are neighbors. Neighbors opening and listening and speaking when it is our turn. This is called consideration -- con-side-ration (sitting side by side). We ride this bus together.


  1. Thanks George - One of your Better Blogs.

  2. This struck a chord within me; I am still resonating with these words. Thank you!

  3. A while back,I had a discussion with a Babtist missionary, who had settled here in Central America and was doing his thing in the neighborhood where I lived.. recommending a concoction of chinese herbs that I use for easing colds and flu, I commented on how folks had been using these medicines for 5,000 years or more and it was a pity that more people didn't take time to study the benfits of herbs in general, etc. etc. etc. and he contested what I said, telling me that it was impossible that these could have been used that long because man was only created 5,000 years ago, and if I were to read such and such a passage in the Bible, and also another such and such a passage, and if I were to lay down my pagan beliefs and on and on... for the first time in my life, thanks partly or more than partly from reading various blogs you have...I didn't flash out (which would have been typical of me in the past) and layed into him telling him he was an asswardbacked hick using some of my well practiced southern accentness on him... I was thinking of it, but I decided to listen, in disbelief, and see what happened... It all ended OK, I kept my mouth shut and listened....I just found it so hard to believe that there were still folks on earth that were so ...?? what would I call it?? Anti science.... Anyway, this I chalked up to an opportunity to listen and be considerate and I left learning something.. Still I was thinking something along the lines of the blind leading the blind... but I am blind as well, so be it... I was also thinking...I wish George B was here, I would be curious as to how he would handle this Babtist to Babtist sort of deal... I felt completely unarmed listening to him.He was so sure of himself and looked me in the eye and told me what an infidel I was... A bus ride indeed.. HB

  4. As a recipient, I can attest that you are especially skilled at this very practice, George. Thank you for the articulation of this way of being with others. --Steve

  5. This is the most beautiful description of genuine listening that I have heard or read... to listen without judgment until understanding what the other is saying and feeling. Harlan, it seems to me that you did. I also have friends who believe dinosaurs and people co- existed 5,000 years ago, that wood petrifies in 30 years, etc. I love them dearly and they never ask what I believe or why--sometimes I'm not sure, sometimes maybe. Seems it's all story anyway. Love and blessings all around!

  6. "I also have friends who believe ... that wood petrifies in 30 years, etc."

    Well, if some peoples' minds can petrify in 30 years, why not wood???!

    I second your love and blessings all around. After all, isn't petrification and even (alchemical) putrification dances of the Source Sourcing itself?

