Wednesday, November 30, 2011

on not killing ourselves with our thoughts

Every thought is accompanied by emotion. Every emotion produces physiological changes. These changes stress the body. The body knows no difference between the images you create with your thoughts and "reality." For example, an imagined poisonous snake produces the same alarm reactions within the body as the presence of a real snake. You can sicken and kill yourself with your thoughts. "As you think, so you are."

Practices have been developed for moving beyond thought. Here is the simplest one I know. Sit in a quiet place and put your attention on your breathing. When your attention is captured by a thought, bring your attention back to your breathing. That's it. Over time, you will be able to step outside of any chain of thought. You can simply be here. Breathing.

Now there is room for Awareness. A whole new world opens.


  1. i'm presently challenged by the potency of my thoughts about a recent traumatic event. (why is thanks giving with the family such a recipe for bull shit?) i'm amazed at how sneeky my mind is and how i'll be working to focus on my breath and the present moment, and then, next thing i know, those scary thoughts have slipped back in without me even noticing... at first... it's frustrating. how do i throw this cycle out? how do i shake the trauma free? is relentless intent my only tool? ~apl
