Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Pardon me for calling this to attention, but death is mid-life. All you sprouts out there wandering around in chaotic formation, take heart (or else succumb to the deepest misery), death is only half-way through. What goes down must come up. Death is our come-uppance. This life is what's going down.

There is no ascent of man. We have not ascended. We have descended into this form. Have you not noticed? We continue to descend. And yet there remains in us a strong spark of that from which we came. We are light making its descent into the nether regions.

Each of us wanders through this world of denseness, making as much light of matter as we can.

Middle age is not measured in years. Middle age is at the point of death, that door swinging on its hinges into the next half of life, the ascent, the eternal return.

We have taken on matter. We have become matter. We have become attached to matter. We have made matter of the utmost importance.

At our midlife (death), we will release ourselves from material fascination and move on. What comes down must go up. This is a principle, a major principle, of the non-material realm.


  1. What? Has he lost his mind!? Doesn't he know that death is the end point, not the mid-point? Some kind of softening of the brain, I think.

  2. That's what I was thinking too! What a madman! (:

    I love the idea of us taking light to the nether world; of making light of this matter. Sometimes the density is overwhelming, but the thought of making light of the matter lifts my heart and I will continue on.

    The crushing force of this matter upon the light I bring is forging something quite precious deep inside me. When the matter falls away, that which remains will ascend and shine. Middle age will be cause of great celebration. I look forward to passing through that door.
