Friday, June 25, 2010

the bottom line

We are worms rising out of the dirt, a writhing mass of humanity addicted to the promise of security and of eternal ultra-orgasms.

We breathe in the illusive vapors of our bottom line,
of our ass crack firmly seated on all that lives.

We slurp up all of life into this dark cavern of insecure need: sea turtles, porpoises, gold, coal, oil, air, water, trees, the earth, our children and grandchildren, chickens, cows, turkeys, each other.

We belch out our pain and pleasure.

Bottom feeders.

1 comment:

  1. From a larger perspective, we appear to be microbes, not unlike yeast. We grow and reproduce until we run out of food or space. Once the latter two things happen, either disease, famine, or war reduce our numbers, and the cycle starts again. One could use the analogy of ants, except that ants are almost all female and live in balance with their surroundings and Nature in their home ecosystems. Fire ants are invasive species and act more like humans because they have few predators to check their numbers.
    We need an external threat greater than humanity to scare and unite us, or some other impetous to wake us up, otherwise, we are likley to drown in our own wastes or each other's blood.
