Friday, February 5, 2010

shaman warrior way

Putting legs on the Christian fish symbol is like putting legs on the Tao symbol. (I understand the whole Darwinian evolution stance, but speak not of that here.) If one looks closely, the fish and tao symbols are remarkably alike: a curved line representing heaven and all "light" qualities, another curved line representing earth and all "dark" qualities. To put legs on either or both is to assert human dominance in the universe -- a ploy that has always failed since it is a lie.

In previous Warrior of Spirit gatherings, folk had little trouble with lovingkindness, with centering, with opening, with mindfulness, and so on. Great difficulty arose with surrender. Surrender is perceived as cowardice, as failure. We are supposed to stand atop the mountain peak with lightning striking all around and thunder out with upraised fist: I AM THE MASTER OF MY FATE, THE CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL!

Malarkey. True up to a certain point and within certain realms (like deciding to get out of bed everyday and face the music or choosing which of the 80 brands of toilet paper to buy) but total malarkey when it comes to the cosmos.

Surrender is the most heroic act one can perform. It is the shaman warrior way -- to let go and be rendered, torn apart, trusting that one will be put back together, though in new, strange, and unaccustomed ways. A painful process in which the character one has built over the years and placed on the stage to speak its lines is dis-membered, its parts flung to infinity, only the beating heart remaining.

And that heart is enough. The universe, the life force of our Source, the Wellspring, fashions a new body out of and around that heart. We are born anew with new eyes, new awareness, new understanding.

New country-western song: "Don't put no legs on my tao sign"


  1. New meaning for 'My Achey Breakey Heart.'

  2. I surrender if asked to do the splits.

  3. Surrender works so well, but day-to-day life often tricks me into thinking otherwise.

    For a couple years now I have had a note on my desk that reads: "non-resistance, non-judgement, non-attachment". All of those are ways I practice surrender. I read the note often, but many days I do not "see" what I am reading.

    For me, when I am able to truly, genuinely surrender, it opens a portal to something greater. I experience the unfolding of Creation (or whatever word works for you to describe that process) in a manner that allows me to be in harmony with what is happening. It brings me to Joy. I highly recommend surrender as part of daily practice.

    I'll see what I can do about completing the country song. Sounds like a great way to get my lurk larking!

  4. Don't put no legs on my fish! (Sounds like an anti-evolution thing to me) - Grin! You know who I am....

  5. Malarkey..Now there's a word i haven't heard in a very long time. I love what you say here..."To put legs on either or both is to assert human dominance in the universe -- a ploy that has always failed since it is a lie." Thank you! Great post

  6. Be like water
    go with the flow
    and surrender
    slowly starts
    to flow along. LG

  7. George, while I was glad to read your description regarding "surrender," I was especially pleased to read Patrick's comment. Here's why: One of the reasons "surrender" is a problematic term is because it is so often equated with the type of spiritual dismemberment you describe so well ... torn apart ... painful ... parts flung to infinity ... and then the sought-for re-creation. In that sense, yes, it is very warrior-like.

    Yet surrender can also be accomplished with a joyous smile, as Patrick points out. In that form, it is true non-resistance, a harmonious blending with the Tao in which one can, as he says, "experience the unfolding of Creation."

    I believe you're both accurate in your different descriptions of this very important act, and it's great to see both expressed so well.

    Thanks, guys.
