Monday, February 8, 2010

rise and shine!

And the knowledgeable will be radiant
like the bright expanse of sky (Tanakh)
And they that be wise shall shine
as the brightness of the firmament (King James)
The enlightened will shine
like the Zohar of the sky (Zohar)

The above three renditions of Daniel 12: 3 point to one truth:
Rise and shine!

When we come up out of
the gloop of self-concern,
when we stop staring at our feet
and lift up our eyes
to "the bright expanse of sky,"
we become radiant.

To rise is wise.

When we rise, we shine.

Even our corpse-suckles get happy.


  1. A meaningful message for me today, "the gloop of our self-concern," is gloop indeed. Hard to see, and shine, through gloop.

  2. There are days I swear I've cornered the market on gloop! Rise and shine indeed! Thanks George!

  3. Thanks for providing some provenance on this inspiring phrase!
