Sunday, February 21, 2010

moving on up

Four aspects of a human that govern behavior are the head, the heart, the hara (center of balance), and the genitals. A nation is no different.

A nation that wars is responding with male genitalia. A huge phallus is erected, admired, polished and sent to other countries to "keep the peace" with its rapine threat. Or to flail about smashing and destroying. This is often portrayed as an act of love, of concern, of caring.

Maybe we could get by (by "we" I mean all humans on the planet) with continued phallic escalation in the past, with dominance belonging to the ones with the largest erections, but no more. Though we differ in so many ways, we are all members of the Navel Tribe. We are one species on a small planet. Our lives are interconnected and interconnecting.

As a species, we need to move up the chakra ladder a rung, to center ourselves in our hara rather than our phallus (which is not gender specific, by the way).


  1. The "dicks" aren't done yet screwing the World, George. Notice that most of the computer games for kids are first person shooters. The only industry the US has left is the military-industrial complex. We're fixing to retire the shuttles and NASA's Constellation and Ares programs have been killed. There is no industry left to spur economic growth in the U.S. and we were the biggest economy globally. Beating your wife or girlfriend is one wrong response to impotence. We're likely impotent in Afghanistan, and yet, we continue to kill civilians by "accident". We aren't even developing industry in Afghanistan, China is.

    It just seems like there's going to be a lot of heartbreak and that suffering will cause the perceptual shift up to the navel. But there's going to be a lot of denial and delusion from our leaders until they get clue. The navel shift will likely be a bottom-up phenomenon because no wisdom appears to be tickling down from our "leaders", does it?

  2. Hi George,

    I read "moving on up" as a challenge. Beyond my own practice, can we find a way to encourage this practice in others?

    That seems to be what is needed, but then I think of what a slippery slope that is. How many well-intended lives have been spent crusading to show someone the light, only to become the very monster from which we sought to free others?

    I am looking for ways to plant more seeds, and working on quality of the seeds themselves too. My hope is that some will find fertile ground, and reach others I cannot reach. Is there more we can do than breathing the Love that breathes us?

  3. Sincerity, being sincere. Serious means grave, which is close to rigor mortis. Give up seriousness for Lent. Sincere means from the heart. And as Alan Watts, that old shaman-priest said, sincerity is simply NERVE. Forget seed-planting -- that will take care of itself. When any one of us comes from the heart, is sincere, the world is immediately transformed. Sincerity in every action, that is all that is asked of us.
