Thursday, November 26, 2009

voyage within

"Know thyself." As intranauts, we follow the inbreath, in and in and in to the core, our core. As extranauts, we follow the outbreath, to infinity in all directions, to our expansive limits, knowing there is always a beyond.

When our awareness sinks within, we see all the "stuff" with which we have stuffed ourselves, our outrages and inrages, our fears and shrinkings, our name(s) we have made for ourselves, our favorite images and holographic movies -- all the asteroidal debris that lives and whirls within us. As we continue following the inbreathing of our minds, we move past the debris and come to a darkly shining inner core, our sphere of being. We rest calmly within.

This is the core of our being. Always existing. Always here, even when we don the superficial clothing we call ourselves, the persona, the mask which tries but cannot conceal the pulsations of universal energy at our core, that is our core.

When we follow the outbreath of awareness from this core, we find that nothing exists except this universal energy which assumes the "ten thousand" shapes and formings. Dogs, cats, galaxies, people, trees -- all living breathing manifestations of this lifeforce which springs from our very core and calls us all into being.

1 comment:

  1. This gives new meaning to "home for the holidays"! We are all one life.

    Blessings, dear friend.
