Sunday, November 29, 2009


Where there is no vision, the people perish
(Proverbs 29:18)

To disparage the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy is a remnant of an outmoded version of science where one supposedly adopts an object-ive and sterile stance of observation, affecting nothing by one's being. Not possible. Every observation is affected by the observer. It's an interactive universe.

Self-fulfilling prophecy is a gift. If we believe in something, we help make it happen. And if many believe it, great change occurs.

Humans are visionary beings. A common vision is already a reality, a reality whose fruits will be forthcoming.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of an articulated vision because I beleive we are always “prophesizing” with our thought, consciously or not, and going where it leads. Yet how does one not get trapped in a vision? How do you keep a vision empty instead of turning it into just another story? As you said in an earlier post, “Being is neither lust nor drive nor will nor desire. Being is pure awareness.” Is having a vision not having a desire, trying to force Being down a particular path?
    This seeming paradox requires a balancing act that plays out in my martial training; trying to lead without leading, be empty yet fully committed, allowing things to just arise, but in a very specific way. If I think about it I get kind of crazy, but sometimes I can experience it and understand. (Ok maybe.)

    Thank you for posting again.
