Wednesday, November 25, 2009

perfect love

"Perfect love casts out fear." (I John 4:18)

Love requires the annihilation of our self, our stances, our posturings, our cajolings, our whinings, our sarcasms -- all that good gooey stuff we treasure and are convinced is us;

that stuff piled up over the years on which we have planted our flag and colonized as an unassailable force;

that view of ourselves as righteous and the rest of the world as wrong.

Without this release, we continue to dwell in fear, with no love except for that which agrees with our colon-ization. Imperfect love, which is not love at all.

Perfect love is surrender. Rumi said it well: "Whoever brought me here will have to take me home." Total abandon to That-Which-Breathes-Us -- our Source and our Destination.


  1. George; I am thankful for you. I know that you live in a perpetual state of thanksgiving, anyway I am going to wish a very special and HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!
    Mucho Amor

  2. A perfect reminder (for me especially) on this Thanksgiving Day! May our surrender to That-Which-Breathes-Us help us to know genuine gratitude. Love to you, dear friend.
