Sunday, September 2, 2012

the new psyche of humans

I understand now. I have it all backwards.

In the present age, one lives in the external world as if it is the internal. In other words, there is no internal. The external is the internal.

This explains why folk are all caught up in politics and money and chemical and surgical alteration and theme parks and continuous feeding and searching for new thrills and why the news is now entertainment. This is the new psyche of humans. Nothing exists but the external.

I am a throwback to a previous age, with this rich internal life of relationship with the unseen, with the unborn that continues birthing. From my poor primitive point of view, not in sync with the times, I even pray. I pray that the internal will once again become the focal point and operating base of human consciousness.This makes me either a dangerous revolutionary or a pathetic remnant of a best forgotten human past. 


  1. well put...thank you, George. This was one of the topics of conversation over dinner last night with some friends...wish you could have been there to join in the discussion. ♥ Cathy

  2. It makes you neither a remnant nor a dangerous revolutionary, George. Your ardent wish is for a Cosmogenesis where the soul of humankind begins to match your interior fulfillment. What a gift that would be to us all. Many beleive we are headed there. Steve F.

  3. The human imagination is so powerful that it can lead us to believe that our projections are the only reality. We tend in this culture to externalize our internal world and lose our moorings. Sadly it often takes catastrophes to wake us from our living dreams and return us to our "inner" home. Thanks for addressing this topic. The last time I attended a workshop with James Hillman he shared similar lamentation about the futility of his efforts to draw the attention of the majority of his listeners back to the world of the soul. Your efforts are essential to human existence - we are in a sleepy era - may you continue to "reMIND" us to widen our perspectives George. Living in the material world is futile but oh so fascinating - Stan
