Sunday, September 16, 2012

holding a world view is like a cat licking itself

Every world view is justified by self esteem. World views are held for their result -- you feel better in your own eyes -- and you are so much better off than THOSE -- those who do not share your point of view.

We have absolutely no grounds for holding any world view whatever -- except the grounds of making us feel more secure in our clung-to encapsulation. As long as you are clinging to the world view that world views are necessary, you will not understand this at all.

 If you praise yourself for understanding it, you have just trapped yourself again.


  1. Getting trapped, breaking free and getting trapped again is an ongoing cycle for me. The best I have been able to do so far is establish some red flags to remind me I am clinging again. One of those is realizing my internal dialogue is engaged. When I am having conversations in my head, I am not free. So what to do when we realize we are clinging once again? Breathe in... breathe out... Let all else fall away. For this one moment, just "be". Repeat as needed.

  2. You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you.

  3. Punctuated permutations of "Hold a world view."

    Hold a world view.
    Hold a view, world.
    Hold, world: a view!
    Hold, world: view "a."
    Hold, view, a world.
    Hold, view, world "a."
    A: Hold, world. View.
    A: Hold, view world.
    A world? Hold view.
    A world view? Hold!
    A view? Hold, world!
    A view-world? Hold.
    World: hold a view.
    World: hold view "a!"
    World "a:" hold, view.
    World "a:" view, hold.
    World: view, hold "a."
    World: view "a." Hold.
    View, hold a world.
    View, hold world "a."
    View "a." Hold world.
    View a world. Hold.
    View world. Hold "a."
    View world "a." Hold.

    Permutations by Perl...


  4. i don't get it.

    too busy listening to "the sound of sunshine coming down".

    -M. Franti
