Friday, September 28, 2012

worry wart

Worry is the repeated visualization of disaster. As such, it is a demonic prayer form. Whatever we visualize, we now are. When we visualize disaster, we experience that disaster. Physiologically. Every cell of our body responds as if that disaster is actually taking place. Therefore it is.

The word originally meant "to strangle." Then it devolved into "to grab by the throat and shake." Now, in our more polite and abstract discourse concerning our self-harm, it refers to the causing of anxiety and distress through repetition of our favorite potential disasters. A worrier is a conjurer of black magic, one who sits and shits their spiritual pants. To worry is to forecast doom and to lend energy to making that doom happen.

The antidote to worry is not positive thinking, floating around as if everything is butterflies and roses. The antidote to worry is going out of one's mind. Not to worry, you won't miss it a bit. It will still be around. You just won't be caught up in it and grabbing yourself by the throat and shaking.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Everything is being born. Continuously. Everything is dying. Continuously. Everything is turning into everything. Continuously. The One-without-a-second is forming and unforming. This froth on this wave of the Ocean chatters to itself and to the other frothiness. Prayers are sometimes sent out. Prayers of adoration and thankfulness. Prayers of petition. The petitionary frothing says to the waving of the Ocean make it this way, please. No matter which way the waving waves it is then called the Ocean's will. The adoring thankful frothing rides the wave and its waving with a heart of bliss and an inner smile. No petitions. It knows it is the Ocean frothing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

holding a world view is like a cat licking itself

Every world view is justified by self esteem. World views are held for their result -- you feel better in your own eyes -- and you are so much better off than THOSE -- those who do not share your point of view.

We have absolutely no grounds for holding any world view whatever -- except the grounds of making us feel more secure in our clung-to encapsulation. As long as you are clinging to the world view that world views are necessary, you will not understand this at all.

 If you praise yourself for understanding it, you have just trapped yourself again.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the new psyche of humans

I understand now. I have it all backwards.

In the present age, one lives in the external world as if it is the internal. In other words, there is no internal. The external is the internal.

This explains why folk are all caught up in politics and money and chemical and surgical alteration and theme parks and continuous feeding and searching for new thrills and why the news is now entertainment. This is the new psyche of humans. Nothing exists but the external.

I am a throwback to a previous age, with this rich internal life of relationship with the unseen, with the unborn that continues birthing. From my poor primitive point of view, not in sync with the times, I even pray. I pray that the internal will once again become the focal point and operating base of human consciousness.This makes me either a dangerous revolutionary or a pathetic remnant of a best forgotten human past. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

a radiant sun of the cosmos

What is my function here but to open as a radiant sun of the cosmos birthing out of and extending into all infinities simultaneously, rather than as a hypnotized member of a herd of skittering creatures taking little chipmunk bites at manufactured life?

Only thus am I a sphere of confluence and influence allowing a radiance, a flowthrough of these turbulent energies known as life-and-death, with no attachment, no clinging to the various forms of manufactured twinkies we call god and business and progress and love.

What is my function here but to open as a sun of this cosmos birthing? I do so and simultaneously die and am reborn every nanosecond, both within and outside all space and time.