Tuesday, December 13, 2011

fruit-bearing tree

Whatever we follow, we become.
Follow means to be absorbed by.
When we follow music, we become music.
When we follow justice, we become justice.
When we follow understanding, we become understanding.
Whatever we follow, we become.

I follow the God-Man Jesus.
I do not follow the doctrine.
I do not follow the common conceptions.
I follow the God-Man.
In following the God-Man, I become Joy.
I become an embodying of the Unseen and the Seen.

You follow what you follow.
I follow Heart-Music and Joy.
I do the Wu Chi Ku in my soul.
I "dance before the Lord with all my might."
Whatever you follow, you become.
In following the God-Man, I am becoming a god-man.
This tree is bearing fruit.


  1. Encouragement in every line! This is our work, to follow what we follow and become that. To know what I follow, I look at my fruit. Simply elegant.

  2. geo, agreed.
