Saturday, December 31, 2011

fire as a log arhythm

I see the dream out of which I awaken.
I do not see the dream I am in,
the dream I am.

All is fire, heat, and light
opening joyously
to join its Burning.

Friday, December 30, 2011

heart and soul

We are embodyings of the lifeforce. We call it karmic streaming and genetic flow and look to make sense of it that way. We are the springing of the Wellspring, its latest presenting. Keys on a piano, each sounding its own note. One piano. Every person and everything we call a "thing" is making music. Can you hear it? The inanimate is animate. Embodyings of the lifeforce.

Friday, December 23, 2011

the Light returns

Solstice, Christmas, and all Festivals of Lights are celebrations of rejoicing that the Light has once again overcome the Darkness, that Light is born into the Earth and into our hearts and souls. Where would we be if this did not happen? This is an affirmation of the Cosmos, of the Source of our Being, that we are cared for, looked after, held as worthy, appreciated. In our rejoicing, in the gladness of our hearts, we return the caring and appreciation to each other and to all that Is. A circuit is completed. The Light so freely given is reflected and returned. The reverberation of Light glows throughout the planet. We rejoice, re-juice, gain new Energy by giving it away. When our hearts open, allowing this, we smile, laugh aloud. We sing. We dance. This is the meaning of Merry.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the PRT crowd

Philosophy, religion, and theoretical physics ("theo" "rhetoric": god talk) continue to re-visit the substrate of thought: the universe is observing itself. Most folk don't give a hoot, are busy pondering other consequentials. But for those of us in the PRT crowd, that conclusion and the resultant awareness is always startling. One is looking to understand that which is looking to understand. In religio-speak, God is looking through our eyes.

soulular energy

I cannot see the soul you are unless I see with the eyes of the soul I am. You cannot see the soul I am unless you see with soul eyes. We cannot see with soul eyes unless we move beyond appearance, unless we see through appearance. When our eyes stop at the surface of others and of the world, we live in the superficial. We are not even one molecule deep.

"Deep calls unto deep." When the deep eyes of the soul I am see the depths of you and you look back, a connection occurs that overthrows the superficial, that is the salvation, the transformation, of the superficial world. We live in epiphany -- a deep understanding of and resonance with the soulular, the interflow and open connectedness of our true being.

This is the nature of "the second birth," of being "born again." We are borne (carried) out of the superficial, out of the realm of appearance. We are born now not of water (the amniotic fluid) but of spirit (the lifeforce of The-One-That-Breathes-Us). We are no longer humanimals but spiritual beings. We see, operate, move through time and outside of time (Love knows no time) as the souls we are.

All the spiritual paths, the "consciousness disciplines," know this and teach this. When we give up the world of appearance, we gain soul. "And what shall a person give, in exchange for their soul?"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

dressing in the thought patterns of yesteryear

Talem eum vidi qualem capere potui ("I saw him in such a form as I was able to take in"). -- Acts of Peter

We cannot see beyond our capacity. When our minds are filled with the usual stuff, we cannot see beyond the usual stuff. We are surrounded by wonders and see only our fears, our angers, our desires. We fill our consciousness with this, with that. In order to see, we need to create room. We need to have a clearance sale. Better yet, vanquish all those thoughts to other realms.

We get up in the morning and put on the same old clothes, dressing ourselves in the thought patterns of yesterday and yesteryear and yesterdecade. If we want to see, the best thing to do is to have no clothing at all. We are naked anyway, maintaining only the illusion of clothing. Our souls are bare. Our hearts are open. Our wounds are showing and speak with loud voices. The social contract is to act as if this is all covered. Ignore as you are ignored.

We wish to know the meaning of life, yet we keep ourselves occupied. This is the sign we place on our soul's door: Occupied. Do Not Disturb. We can keep ourselves in this soporific trance all our life. No one will fault us for it. It is expected.

If we truly wish to see, we clear. We open room.

Talem eum vidi qualem capere potui ("I saw him in such a form as I was able to take in").

Monday, December 19, 2011


Do not come to me with your latest salvational plan! I find solace only in the burning flame of my heart. This heart! The only heart I have and am. This is where new birth arises!

Get out of my way with your pre-structured visions of Christ! I do not want to be welcomed into your holy order. I experience Christ anew, each moment, as He and I move in harmony and disharmony, as I learn His Eternal Tango -- the Tango of the Blazing Heart.

This is the time for us all to shed our doctrinal clothes, even you Buddhists with your non-doctrine doctrine, your thin transparent raincoat of no thing. And you Christians, with your smug self-satisfaction of a reserved seat in the celestial choir. And you Taoists who want to be the water without ingestion for fear of choking and drowning. And you Muslims shrouded in a Law with no taste of the open-hearted surgery of Rumi and Hafiz. I have no time nor inclination to mention all the rest of the blustering clusterings, but you know who you are, you Legion of Doctrinaires!

Goodbye! I have no time for you! I live in and as this roaring alchemical furnace. One walks with me here in this burning, this heart flaming. And don't tell me you know Him, because you don't! To know is to possess and no one possesses this eternal One.

Stop staring at me, let your own heart burn!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

gnosis and a-gnosis

There are those who live in the world of Appearance and know nothing of the realm that births these Apparitions. They live in the external and know nothing of the internal, suppress it even if there is opportunity. They say there is nothing hidden and, even if there was, one cannot know it. A-gnosis. Not knowing.

There are those who live in the world of Appearance whose feet walk another Ground, whose hearts are open to the tastes of wider Mystery. They occupy both external and internal, knowing that the internal is the Eternal. They too say there is nothing hidden. It is here for all to see. Gnosis. Knowing.

four realms

Supraconscious: Identification with the Interflow of All.
Mesoconscious: Hovering above the conscious, knowing there is something more.
Conscious: Attending to societal daily life.
Subconscious: Propelled by animal desire and fear.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

radiant interflow

And Man said, Let us open to the Radiant Interflow of all things, human and otherwise, the molecular, the submolecular, the bodily, the cosmic, and the supracosmic. Let us open our Hearts to each other, all and everywhere, and stop stomping each other into the dirt. Let us feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and speak Truth from the core of our being. Let the Radiant Interflow be the guide of our actions. And it was so. And the Babe of 2012 was born. Galeropia 4: 10 - 12.


And Man said to himself, Let us build an earthly paradise with new kitchen appliances and earn our living by the manipulation of money which is no sweat at all and become dependent on long-distance trucking for our food and put a pot on every belly and a frenzy for new gadgets and f**k all this spiritual crap from ages past. And Man did. And Man surveyed his domain and saw that it was bad, very bad. II Melanoma 2: 1-3.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

fruit-bearing tree

Whatever we follow, we become.
Follow means to be absorbed by.
When we follow music, we become music.
When we follow justice, we become justice.
When we follow understanding, we become understanding.
Whatever we follow, we become.

I follow the God-Man Jesus.
I do not follow the doctrine.
I do not follow the common conceptions.
I follow the God-Man.
In following the God-Man, I become Joy.
I become an embodying of the Unseen and the Seen.

You follow what you follow.
I follow Heart-Music and Joy.
I do the Wu Chi Ku in my soul.
I "dance before the Lord with all my might."
Whatever you follow, you become.
In following the God-Man, I am becoming a god-man.
This tree is bearing fruit.

Monday, December 12, 2011

the party of the heart

The Christian mystics, Buddhist mystics, Islamic mystics, Jewish mystics, Hindu mystics, and all the other mystics shed their clothes of doctrine and enter their naked hearts for wisdom and for love. When they see each other, they laugh with pleasure and dance their heart dance. When the theologians of all those realms meet, each tries to convince the others of the errors of their ways. The first group has a party. The second group has a debate.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


When we are babes and children, other people tell us stories of who we are and what is going on. We adopt our version of those stories as Our Story. As we grow older, we continue to revise Our Story based upon formal education and upon our experiences in life.

We generally do not think of Our Story as a story but think of It as The Truth. At certain times in our life, we may switch Our Story to a different one. This may be called Conversion or we may call it Finally Waking Up. What we wake up to is a New Story or a wider and deeper rendition of our Old Story.

Everything is story. Everyone weaves their story about what is going on. Those with similar stories form a Story Force. There are usually only three or four Story Forces going on on the planet at the same time. Stories have great power of transformation.

Due to childhood visionary experiences, I have always been embedded in a Cosmological Story, a vision of us humans as semi-blind creatures fumbling around on a magnificently beautiful planet. We are insignificant yet somehow mysteriously important. Or, if not important, treasured and loved.

I opened and continue to open to all the cosmological stories of all cultures of all time periods. I like all the God-Man and God-Woman stories. The idea and vision of our Source becoming human and walking around is thrilling. I like that story and I like all the Prodigal Stories, where the human gets totally lost and diverted from their original purpose, forgetting who they are and living in a strange land either in unsatisfactory riches or in hog pen slime. Then at some point they awaken and return home. Great rejoicing occurs and a big party is thrown.

I figure if you are going to have a Story, you may as well make it adventurous and the Best One Possible. I have yet to encounter a story outside of the Cosmological Story that is any better or makes any more sense to me. But I live and let live. Everyone has their story and I have mine.

P.S Not only do we have our Story. Our Story has us.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

falling off the know ledge

We can know only according to our capacity. Small capacity, small knowing. How can we increase our capacity? Through surrender. Surrender to the One who breathes us. How does one do that? That is a matter between you and Him. I give you a hint though. It's Personal, involves your Heart, and ends up in Laughter. Open Hearty Laughter produces and is Great Capacity. It only comes through surrender to our Source. Then we know as we are known. Capaciously.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

hearts of light and love

We owe our existence to Mystery. I call that Mystery God. The Mystery deliberately took on human form and walked the earth. This is also a Mystery. One might object and say we are all embodyings of the Mystery. There is a slight difference in consciousness, however, between us and Jesus.

Read on. I am well aware that there are many levels of understanding here. You have yours. I am not looking to convert you to anything (though, in my opinion, if we all converted to each other's spiritual path without leaving our own, it would be a mighty fine thing). I am simply saying what I see and understand.

As both Henry Corbin and Emanuel Swedenborg have pointed out, three types of consciousness exist: natural, spiritual, and celestial. Natural man ("man" includes both genders) thinks that only matter matters and is caught up in the world of appearance, of physical sensation. Spiritual man sees through the world of appearance, follows the promptings of a wounded heart of Love, opens to a wisdom of Light. Celestial man lives directly in and is the Love and Light of Mystery. Jesus was and is celestial man. Whether we follow Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Krishna, Lao Tzu, or another spiritual teacher, may we all move in that direction, our opening to celestial consciousness.

I believe that we are at the end of the age of natural man (the Kali Yuga). It has been tried and found lacking. What has been proclaimed as the end of the world (Apocalypse) is the birth of the new. This is taking place in the spiritual realm, not the physical. Rather than ruling our internal lives with an external focus, we are beginning to rule our external lives from hearts of Light and Love.

Monday, December 5, 2011

mind sets

We generally regard our own mind set as reality. Though we may not speak of it this way, we regard this consciousness set as our sacred ground, as our "scientific" base for knowing reality.

Those with different mind sets are regarded with suspicion and are thought to be out of touch with reality. We are thus free to continue our judgment of "them," to assign to them various labels of degradation, and to consign their souls to hellish domains.

We pilot our little space ships of consciousness through the universe preferring to dock only at space ports containing flag ships bearing similar insignia to ours. Unless . . .

Unless we go out of our minds and open with Love. It is said that Light is the intelligence of the universe and Love is its heat. We transform. We move from being self-contained mindsets, busybodies of the cosmos, to radiant spheres of Light and Love.

No mindset needed.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

dear unborn kin

Dear Unborn Kin,

We in our time have destroyed the temple within us and have thus become mere sensual animals seeking continuous entertainment and advantage. We call this, with pride, rational behavior. It has led to our ruin.

Some of us are outlaws from this societal norm. We nurture our inner temple, this place of con-templ-ation. This inner temple allows free and open communion with our Source and all those who have gone before us.

We are seeing the rebirth of this place of connection, this inner temple, this meeting place of the celestial and the terrestrial, where true wisdom and power reside, where vision is once again forthcoming, and through which we work our way, in consort with the divine, out of this darkness in which we now dwell.

By the time this letter reaches you, you will already know if we were successful. I am betting my life that we are.

Your Ancestor

Saturday, December 3, 2011

the essential work of our age

For the human species to survive in any meaningful way, we must be prepared to birth a new consciousness which opens to the living heart of the best of our previous consciousness systems and goes beyond what has yet been seen. This is the essential work of our age.

Friday, December 2, 2011

the veil of the temple of your heart

When the veil of the temple of your heart is split, when the comfy little illusion of reality you have woven is no more, you will be born. You have no idea what awaits you, for all ideas are veils. It takes courage to allow this leap; beliefs are of no avail -- are the veil. Courage (coeur-age) is of the heart. Full open heart. When the veil of the temple of your heart is split, when the comfy little illusion of reality you have woven is no more, you will be born.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


As humans, we are body and soul. As body, we are made up of the same material as all creatures of the earth and the visible cosmos. As soul, we are composed of the same spiritual elements as all beings of the invisible realms.

As body, we resonate with all that has physical existence. The entire physical realm is our larger body. As we treat it, so we treat ourselves.

As soul, we attune to the harmonic wonder and mystery of the Great Soul. We interflow with That which births us, which breathes us. We receive direct Personal energy and companionship.

As humans, we are embodyings of heaven and earth. We are ladders firmly planted on the ground and reaching into the sky. Angelic spheres of energy ascend and descend within our being, bringing heaven to earth and earth to heaven.

Conduits. This is who we are. All else is chatter.