Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the context and the Context

We do not create our Context but we create our context. The two interflow and change extends in both and all directions. This is our power -- living as the spiritual body of our soul, as radiant spheres of influence.

The quality of our radiance affects the entire realm of being. Our context, which we create every moment, every nanosecond, helps transform the Context. By Context I do not mean the socio-political world (though that is affected too). I mean It All.

As Sir Arthur Eddington put it: When the electron vibrates, the universe shakes. As our context goes, so goes the Context.

1 comment:

  1. George,

    I agree. The context does affect the Context. For me this is undeniable. I have seen this interplay far too many times in life to disagree. This awareness places a heavy burden on what context we choose, and what we feed that context in terms of thoughts and actions.

    But this awareness also provides the most remarkable level of freedom imaginable. Freedom that leads to the joy of Being.

    This freedom is also the ultimate responsibility for how we live our lives. This understanding requires becoming a warrior of spirit. Your book, embodying spirit, is tremendously helpful in this regard.

    Bless you for your words today, my friend. You seem to know just what I need to add to my context.
