Friday, September 2, 2011


Last week I woke from a powerful dream in which I was imbued with awe -- the experience and the vision was such that I should have been in terror (not fright, terror!) yet was not. That state of wide open amazement, touched by the presence and imagery of a Power far greater than my own, when terror could be an appropriate response but was not, was awe. (So no longer give me your "awesome" about trivial events.)

I came upstairs to write using the computer, but found a note of frustration from my partner saying our cable link to the internet had been severed for several hours. She left a log of her calls to the cable techie and all the manipulations they had performed to restore the link to no avail. I looked at the modem where the light display indicated still no link.

Without thought and with the full energies of awe from the dream, I willed the modem to turn on. It did immediately. This is the faith that will move mountains.


  1. Awwwww, dude, that'w awsome!

  2. A powerful description of awe. Perhaps the true experience of awe allows one access to the very power that awes.
