Monday, July 18, 2011

Models of Human Transformation

I have observed that at least six major models of human consciousness and thus of human transformative ability exist: the Human Potential Movement Model, Empty Circle Model, Absurd Model, In The Fold Model, Sack of Meat Model, Multiple Personality Model. I look to address each in turn.

First up to bat: Human Potential Movement Model

The human potential movement model assumes that each human is pyramidic in nature, operating out of a broad base of consciousness and striving to reach and to identify with the Apex of the pyramid, where one’s awareness shines forth with great light similar to that of the Great Eye depicted on the U.S. dollar bill. One has then reached the epitome of one’s powers; the Secret has been revealed and one can manifest all one desires via the law of attraction and live comfortably, self-made, forever and ever. Beings of a higher wisdom are channeled by Apex reachers, and all within the movement yet to reach such heights, still scaling the pyramid walls, respond to the Apexian as folk formerly responded to the prophets of old. This is a very American upwardly mobile mystical model and is a thriving spiritual industry. Books, workshops, credentialings, videos, courses, and gurus abound.

Major assumption: The entire cosmos is geared toward the evolutionary advancement of humans and will assist those who open to its help. Humans exist in the following categories: Those Who Have Made It, Those Who Have Almost Made It, Those Who Are Striving To Make It, Those Who Suspect There Is Something To Make, The Great Unwashed.

Upside: Excitement, purpose, challenge, participation. Very American and thus appealing: lift yourself by your own bootstraps (and when you do forces will come to aid you). Believes in progress.

Downside: Self-centered (even though it is a "higher" spiritual self), guru-following with potential to be led astray, evangelistic. Believes in progress.


  1. so, we all are already "there". no striving no reaching no climbing. we are already t"here".

  2. sack of meat.
    like hauling the meat.
    that sounds so funny to me.
    i don't know why.
    i just laugh.

  3. Hmmm, looking to another for Enlightenment instead of into oneself is Egoic even if the teacher or guru has no ego. It defeats the purpose of the student/teacher are one and the same being which is where everyone will eventually end up.

    Yes, we are already there. Most of us just don't realize that fact.
