Monday, March 29, 2010

vortices of energy

Vortices of energy, that is what we are.

And then we add on our whims, our quirks, our absolutely righteous way of looking at things, our fears, our doubts, our loves.

We each become characters in our own story and bravely and defiantly and hesitantly confront ourselves while convinced we are confronting others.

We move in and out of character-logical disorder.

Vortices of energy assuming human face and passion and melodrama.

Vortices of energy, that is what we are,
temporarily assuming human form.


  1. "Temporarily" is an operative word here. Thanks for this insightful post, George.

  2. You are welcome, Greg. I was going to sleep last night and these words with imagery began. I grabbed a pen and paper I keep nearby, wrote them as they came, then dropped off to sleep.

  3. I dreamed last night of violent conflict between two human groups. The odd thing was one minute I perceived myself as an attacker, the next moment, I was a different person with the perception of being attacked in the other group. I was not one person or observer, but multiple people who were observing a drama they were immersed in. We are not a we. We are an I who is doing all of this drama to itself. The change in perspective didn't bother me, but the unnecessary violence did.
