Sunday, March 7, 2010

oh, those two again

Science is a quantitative endeavor.
Science does things by the numbers.
Science does things.

Spirituality is a qualitative endeavor.
Spirituality opens to quality of relationship.
Spirituality opens.

Science handles the horizontal dimension.
Science likes a level playing field.

Spirituality attends to the vertical dimension.
Every direction is up with its down.

Together they form a cross.
Sometimes they are cross with each other.
Sometimes a cross road at which we stand.
Science, Spirituality -- which shall we choose?

Both. We are that cross.

We stand with arms outstretched.
One arm pointing to the past, the other to the future.
Our heart is in the present.

We look down and see our rooted groundedness.
We look up and see vast heavens.

We are the vertical living in and as the horizontal,
spirituality living in a scientific world.

We are the horizon-seekers who are vertical,
matter-of-fact scientists opening to spiritual quality.

Some of us insist on one more than the other,
even to the exclusion of the other.

When that happens we become either
mere fenceposts or logs lying on the ground.

The cross. The cross is where Its at.


  1. Very nice insight. Thanks George

  2. Yes, both are observing. Science is observing the natural world seeking to understand the underlying order. Spirituality is the observer observing itself seeking order in itself. Modern science started out seeking God through Nature. This is especially true of Geology and its beginnings. The observer is the essence of both. The problem today is that both endeavors are being crippled by proponents of mythologies. Science is being attacked by people who are threatened by the knowledge it generates. Whether their belief system or wealth is being threatened does not matter, they attack the truth with lies, or worse, cloak their lies with a sheen of scientific patina to confuse. Now they attack the messengers to stop the message. Spirituality suffers similarly. The penalty for expressing one's spiritual views if they did not conform to the orthodoxy used to be burning at the stake. Killing someone for expressing their opinion about God seems rather harsh, doesn't it? Now we just symbolically kill the spiritual or scientific prophet if the mainstream doesn't like the prophecy. We crucify them on the cross of public opinion without any trial.
