Sunday, January 31, 2010

Charter for Compassion

There is an urgent need for a new focus on compassion. Bringing together voices from all religions, all nations, all backgrounds, the Charter seeks to remind the world that we already share the core principles of compassion.

Charter for Compassion


  1. George,

    Thanks for the offer to join. I hate joining most anything. But this seems like an okay way to join.

  2. Thinking of this concept globally was overwhelming...I had to stop myself and focus on what was possible for me individually. My conclusion is to always do my best at being a compassionate human being, a loving member of the Navel Tribe :)


  3. This beckoning encourages us to see(k) and embrace Being's shared taproot in the depths of another's eyes...

    Thank you, George.


  4. I like to read the Acts of Compassion on the site. I go back and read another one from time to time.

  5. George,

    Thanks for helping us hear the call.

  6. I can get behind that - practicing compassion is far more satisfying and meaningful to me than any religion - I signed up and it didn't hurt or nothin!'

    It seems like I recall the Dalai Lama once saying "My religion is kindness." Now there's one that fits for me (most days)!

    Thanks for your inspirations and incantations!
