Monday, January 11, 2010

becoming a badass sattva

Let's take a look at two popular sayings. In this dualistic-duelistic world of ours, of course they have contradictory meanings. Ahhh, a 2 X 2 table, one of my favorite scientific devices! Two sayings, each with two meanings.

The first conventional wisdom: "It's all in your imagination."

The prosaic meaning lays negative emphasis on imagination. "It's all in your IMAGINATION." Meaning: You are just making it up. It is not real. Implication: Wake up, you dreamer! Make yourself useful.

The poesaic meaning lays positive emphasis on all. "It's ALL in your imagination." Meaning: We are creative beings, making all this up as we go. Implication: Be careful of your thoughts, your images, your icons. They bear fruit.

The second conventional wisdom: "You can't do it to save your ass."

The prosiac meaning lays emphasis on incapability. "YOU CAN'T DO IT to save your ass." Meaning: You are so screwed up and such a wuss you can't even do what you need to do. Even if your ass is in a sling. (Now there's an image.) Implication: Be fearful and timid. Yield to the almighty powerful one telling you that you can't do it.

The poesaic meaning lays emphasis on meaningful wisdom. "You can't do it TO SAVE YOUR ASS." Meaning: If saving your ass is your motivation, it won't work. You can't do it in order to save your ass. Implication: If you are "laying up your treasures in heaven" to save your ass, you are just going to live in assdom. This is where the badass sattva comes into play. All badass sattvas vow to not go to heaven until all go. This is what makes them such badasses.

The badass sattva knows deeply that: It is ALL in the imagination and you can't do it TO SAVE YOUR ASS.


  1. You are welcome, dear heart.

    As I was saying to another friend, I awoke this morning with those sayings revolving in my head. First, the imagination one. Then, the ass one. They were persistent. I said, ok, ok, and stumbled to the keyboard. Lo and behold, the badass sattva emerged! Akin to the Noirior I think. You remember Stagger Li, don't you? Well now, we add to the Noirior pantheon, his brother Badass Sattva.

    So much fun.... And all for a good Cause....
