Sunday, January 3, 2010


tomorrow they'll all be herded back into
their institutional pens
leaving the streets to us geezers and bums
the psychologists will have plenty of work
salving family abrasions
debt counselors will spring into action
the local library will announce
it doesn't supply tax forms
kids and teachers will count the days
until spring break
stores will replace the ghost of santa
with a flood of valentines
those zonies who don't live in the snow of this mountain
will slide off it like melting ice cream to their desert homes
the foxes will come back
out of hiding
the ravens will circle around as always
playing and rasping at peculiar human ways

1 comment:

  1. Life moves on. I am reminded, as I re-enter my own set of post-holiday peculiarities, to embrace what unfolds, keeping my antennae up for how each situation resonates for me, and how I resonate in return. Compatible resonance creates harmony. That's where I want to be.

    Happy New Year, George!
