Wednesday, June 29, 2011

this love thing

In the lowest form of love, I love you because of what you do for ME. You lift my spirits, assuage my doubts, endure my pettiness without leaving. I make you the "wind beneath my wings" -- a heavy responsibility. If you are also loving me for what I do for YOU, we lean upon each other as we walk. This mutual leaning is co-dependence. If either of us were to leave, the other would fall. This form of love has an undercurrent of anxiety, fear, and doubt though on the outside it can look all sweetie-weetie.

A higher form of love can, from Hallmark standards, not seem like love at all. This form of love is independence. I am here to manifest the spirit that I am. My aim is not to lean on you nor you to lean on me. I wish for you to manifest the spirit you are. We walk together in mutual regard. I love the beauty of your soul. While remaining independent, we are helpmates. We each sit in the seat at the center of our soul as we journey along together.


  1. this nails "It".

  2. Now there's an eye opener; a heart opener; and an opener in general. Thanks so much!!!

  3. I-Thou all the way baby!

    Love to you brother George

    ~ Stan
