Thursday, June 30, 2011


We are spirito-energetic beings with great capacity for re-forming. We are continuously reforming and what we call death is simply an extension of THIS reforming. In that sense we are dying now and always dying. We are not just living-and-dying. We are dying-and-living. Mister Paul says "I die daily." I die every nanosecond is more like it. And come to new life every nanosecond.

Our clinging to the same old form eventually produces a trail of fingernail marks leading to the edge of the Abyss of Divine Recreation (Re-Creation). Hell is our insistence on clinging to the same old form. May we develop the capacity, the capaciousness, the room, the trust to continue letting go of old form and opening to new.


  1. I was going to ask if you meant hell in this life or hell after this life, but then realized I was missing the point of dying each nano-second. (:

    Letting go now...

  2. Shape-shift or become a pillar of salt...

