Tuesday, March 22, 2011

springing forth

A nature of the universe is that everything is springing forth at once. One's concern that one has the right clothes is intimately connected with attempts to stop radiation leaks in Japan and with a child falling down in Alabama and scraping her knee. One's boredom with one's job is intimately connected with fighter jets over Libya and with the melting of ice caps. Everything springs forth at once, simultaneously, concurrently, no hesitation. We are the ones who chop it into bits, then do our dances with the bits. We call this chopping and dancing our life. At best, we regard ourselves as aspects of this eternal emerging. Ass-specks of some large But we conjure up and fail to comprehend. But we are the But. We but-tress ourselves against knowing and living in accord with everything springing forth at once. We love our linearity and make it so. All creative arts and artists open to the circuminsessional nature of the cosmos. I pray we all open our artist soul.


  1. Ass specks. Thanks for the simultaneous laughs and sobriety!

    As anal-ytical beings, we continue breaking life into smaller components rather than lovingly embracing the opening process of which we are part.

    All that you reference above -- from skinned knees to nuclear meltdowns to cruise missles, are heart breaking results of the way we ass specks see the world. But broken hearts can be open hearts. It is part of the process of opening to allow our defined boxes of thought to crumble.

    We ass specks need to sur-render to the opening contained in the results of our solitary folly. Open to that which through destruction reveals the indestructible. Open to that which opens us.

  2. Very well put, George. It's interesting that we do tend to witness the skinned knees and runaway radioactivity and crappy jobs and warplanes because those things create the larger wrinkles vibrationally in the cosmos, aka But. Yet, your words remind us, that much, much more is springing forth. Our challenge, I believe, is to surrender to the whole, for there is where we find perfection.

    PS: You guys are funny with your "ass-specks" and "anal-ytical" wordplay. Just want you to know It's appreciated!

  3. George, I too, have been praying for the opening of creativity in the souls of those on this planet. Up with the circuminsessional I say!!!

  4. beautiful! i love this. i've been enjoying laughing at the divisions we create lately too... :)
