Thursday, September 9, 2010

the eternal temps

Existential facts: When we live in the eternal present, dropping all schemes, judgments, and other cognitive and emotional paraphernalia, naked, vulnerable and open, no bounds, we are One with our Source.

When we live in a temporal linear world, we are divisive creatures looking to save ourselves from lostness and the anxieties of separation. In the past few decades especially, we have attempted to do so through becoming a huge mouth of consumption. Our spiritual / existential bellies have not been filled and the earth is overflowing with our defecation.

In the temporal world, we look to HAVE faith. In the eternal present, we ARE faith. Along with faith comes grace, humor, and per-sever-ance (ability to cut right through illusion).

In the temporal world, we frantically seek security where there is none. In the eternal present, we live in the relaxed security of no security at all.

This is what is truly meant by being born again. We are born out of the temporal into the eternal present. It's funny. This is what is known in the trade as "stress reduction." We look to relieve our creaturely stress and find the vastness of our being.


  1. Well put, George. I only wish more people would consider the phrase "born again" in this light, instead of the more usual being "born again" into a purely temporal form of salvation.

  2. Thanks Gregory and George.

    I enjoyed the comments you both made regarding being born again. The only true salvation is that which comes from embracing this moment.
