Sunday, October 16, 2011

the merciful lifeflow

Only that which is nonexistent exerts influence, and not that which is existent. If the latter seems to exert an influence, it is only by the authority of that which is nonexistent. Ibn Al'Arabi, The Bezels of Wisdom

In my workshops, I focus often on Energy Flow and upon our conscious opening to this LifeForce that brings us into being and sustains us. This Energy is neither an onrush of emotion nor the focused calculation of intellect.

While these two (feeling and thinking) are necessary components of a human, they can also get in the way of the flow of Spirit, of the LifeForce. This is why I teach centering and opening. Centering and opening allow a conduit for the flow of this vital Energy. One moves in accord with the continuous unfolding of Life Itself.

That great visionary Ibn Al'Arabi, in one of his writings, speaks of this LifeForce as Mercy:

The Mercy of God flows in all created beings,
and courses through the selves and essences.

We humans generally move through our day riding the waves of emotion and thought and societal demand. We give rare place to this Energetic Mercy which we are. We may take a few moments in our prayer closet or meditation chamber to acknowledge Its existence, then firmly slam the door and go on our way.

Energy Flow teaching focuses on living as a conduit of the LifeForce, an embodying of Spirit, a taoing of the Tao, a surging of the Source. It is more fun, less stressful, and leads to great unexpected adventure.

1 comment:

  1. The energy flow of the LifeForce is Mercy. God is merciful. The mercy is not to the form that we are. The form can get pretty battered. The mercy is to the formless we embody.
