Thursday, May 12, 2011

the same ternal

In the conclusion to his "The Philosophy of Plotinus," Emile Brehier was concerned with  "... the need for discovering in external reality not an inert and unyielding object but a place favorable to spiritual activity."

I see the resolution of that need as the next essential step in the evolution of consciousness of humankind. It is already happening among many.

The need "for discovering in external reality not an inert and unyielding object but a place favorable to spiritual activity" is easily resolved. When we live IN the cosmos, we experience an internal and an external reality. When we live AS the cosmos, there is no internal - external. Internal and external are the same ternal. 

In the Jewish and Christian Holy Book, a reference is made to the understanding that we are gods: "I said, You are gods, and all of you are sons (and daughters) of the Most High" (Psalm 82:6). When we live AS the cosmos, we fulfill this understanding.

We can't get all puffed up about this though. Hubris is the downfall of all gods. The very next verse (Psalm 82:7) puts us in our place: "Nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any of the princes." In living AS the cosmos, I find this comforting. The booster rocket drops away. The cosmos keeps on going.


  1. "The booster rocket drops away. The cosmos keeps on going." creates a wonderful image.


  2. Personally, George, I believe things like the "Jewish and Christian Holy Book" are what constrain our consciousness to living IN the cosmos. If a person is lucky enough to have escaped that indoctrination and live life with the freedom of a child, then that person is AS the cosmos without even having to think about it. Again, being AS is more of a shedding than an obtaining.
