Sunday, May 22, 2011

the monster and its slayer

The monster within -- we make it into a cosmic figure that must be slain by a cosmic figure. I open wide, swallow them whole, the monster and its slayer, let them do their Tao dance at my core. Happy now they have a home, they whirl merrily. I go on, attend to other things.

1 comment:

  1. "They say that what you mock
    Will surely over take you
    And you become a monster
    So the monster will not break you..."

    -- "Peace On Earth", U2

    I've been listening to the song mentioned above off-and-on over the past week. Your reference to "the monster" seems wonderfully timely for me.

    There are seemingly endless "monster versus slayer" battles being played out all over the world; political monsters, religious monsters, economic monsters. The trouble is, everyone seems to think the person disagreeing with them is the monster while they are the chosen slayer. We rarely look in the mirror during those us-and-them mindsets.

    Swallow them both whole, let them do their Tao dance within you, and attend to other things. Thanks for this wonderful reminder.
