Monday, April 25, 2011


Just as the inbreaths we take contain elements of all outbreaths on earth and our outbreathings interfuse with the inbreaths of all others (human and nonhuman, animal and plant), so too do knowledge systems interflow.

Individual and group worldviews, cognitive schemas, belief systems, religions inter-are.

While some seem to consider their belief system to be inviolate, wearing a cast-iron chastity belt which never has been and never will be penetrated by "foreign" thought forms, the reality is that a thought group orgy is ongoing.

Every consciousness system is permeable to all other consciousness systems. "Heresy" is growth and transmutation. Otherwise, one may as well lock a radiation proof box on one's head and keep it there.


  1. This ideational "cast-iron chastity belt" has an analogue in the physical realm, where/when one tries to sterilize the environment with 'pathogen'-eradicating disinfectants, thinking such an action makes one safe. However, it's becoming evident that the latter action compromises developing our immune system's robustness (hygiene hypothesis), and I see the former "chastity belt" exacting an analogous toll on our consciousness.


  2. Incoming!
    Here comes a piece of a consciousness system! I see it, feel it, and welcome it!

