Thursday, December 9, 2010

run-down batteries

I think one of the reasons we humans in this post-modern age have lost faith in previous myth is that we are like run-down batteries too weak to project richness of meaning into the cosmos. Carl Jung put it this way: “Projection is now confined to personal and social relationships.” Many of us regard this diminished projection as rational and sane. Well, either I’m an archaic dinosaur or a heraldic visionary of the renewal of myth on earth. I see it. I feel it. I know it. As my friend Brad Olson told me the other day, Joseph Campbell once said: A myth is as good as a smile.


  1. It guess it's hit or myths, George. :)

  2. i like this, George. i've been enjoying your pictures over the past months--nice to see the flavors of Flagstaff and the changing seasons.
