Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the Grail quest

What is the Grail but an open cup of life's sacrificial blood? Are you not that cup which the Father, our Source, lifts to his lips and drinks deeply? Are you not the Holy Chalice continuously and immediately refilled with spirit, with life force so that your cup forever is full no matter how drained? The seeking of the Grail is the seeking within for that which you already are. The Grail within and the Grail without are one Grail. You, the Grail, the Father, the Mother are one. The Grail quest must be made but in the end, a true beginning, you will find that the one who seeks is the one who is found.


  1. This was a note to myself this morning early.

  2. I continue to be amazed at how your writing conveys thoughts that are beyond words for me. It often makes responding with words a challenge.

    But I am again reminded of your guidance to breathe the love that breathes me. The results are remarkable; seeing that which is mistaken for mundane shine forth its hallowed nature; Seeing separation dissolve and welcoming that oneness as it welcomes me.

    Thank you so very much, dear friend.

  3. "The seeking of the Grail is the seeking within for that which you already are." That's my favorite sentence, George, in a post that's filled with fascinating sentences. Thanks.
