Monday, July 12, 2010


"Anonymous said...What does that really mean-heal our consciousness?"

Heal means to make whole. Consciousness means awareness.
To heal our consciousness means to make our awareness whole.

Our awareness is not whole when we are attached.

Attached to a thought and its emotion.
Attached to a person or a thing.

Attached to our salvation and prosperity.
Attached to our degradation and our ruin.

Attached to a path of holiness.
Attached to an image of self and of the world.

And so on.

Thoughts, emotions, persons, things, salvation, prosperity, degradation, ruin, holiness, self, the world all arise and disappear all the time in this eternal now. To be attached is to preserve the scabs of your self-inflicted wounds in your scab scrapbook.

With attachment, our awareness is not whole.
We look over there while the action is here.

We create a head on top of our head.

Consciousness Healing 101:
Be aware of attachments.
Detach from attachments.
Detach from detachment.


  1. Thanks, for hitting the nail on the head, again, George!
    This is one of those insights that many, especially me, have read, heard, and thought about..but somehow this stands alone at the base of everything that draws me to these blogs.
    Consciousness Healing 101's texbook..a single page with 4 lines... enough work for a lifetime, I'm sure...HB

  2. Thank you, George. I had many great laughs last night and it struck me how long it had been since I had laughed that hard and that often. Your writing this morning could not be timed any better for me. Thanks again!

  3. "Scab Scrapbook;" what a great metaphor. I once wrote an actual scrab scrapbook, in third person, of the scabs from my life, then burned it. The scabs went up in smoke.


  4. Anonymous says- Thank you

  5. "Anonymous says-Domo arigato"
